🖼 Reply to “Pictures and nothing else” thread_2020_summer

Oh shit! I missed this , oh no, this is awful. I had no idea. I am truly sad. At least he lived a full life, I Fuck! No , crap dam it . I got no words, fuck fuck fuck. I’m hoisting a beer and a shot for him. He brought so many smiles an “oh shits” fucking hell why not a politician or a rich guy? Take Jeff Bazeos give Josh back

Holy fuck balls , his videos made me happy was binge watching last nite no idea he was already gone tungsten balls and all. Our loss

Rest In Peace skate legend Josh Neuman


Very tragic. He was very entertaining to watch and certainly pushed his limits often. Way too young to be gone…

Was just reading about it - if the report is correct they were in a Cessna 172. Four grown men in a 172 will put it over weight, especially if they had any equipment onboard or anywhere near full fuel… Even in good weather that plane would be difficult to control. Flying an aircraft that’s over it’s weight limit is no joke… Really makes me question the pilots judgement.


That looks beefy! Link? :upside_down_face:

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Its just a 20" wheel, but i think it will get the job done :slight_smile:


Whats the story behind this? How come those are unevenly worn?

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Just testing if they would fit in MBS hubs, need a bit of persuasion and as results the contact patch got bowed a bit, which might even be good for efficiency, we will see

And the uneven wear is me doing burnouts on dirt with a bunch of loose rocks lol


I did as well. Works perfectly fine with VESC based escs. I did write up a guide as well in case somebody wanna try it too.


Oh wow i never realized tht so did you noticed any drawbacks compared to outrunner vesc setups??

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You can just use the wizard in VESC tool like with hall sensors. No any different.
Probably not the best idea if you need long sensor wires. You would also need to add a temp sensor if it’s important for you to get a motor temp cut off.
Definitely better/more smooth start up in terrain or on hills than with hall sensors.
Don’t wanna say startup with hall sensors is bad, just a bit better with encoders.

Edit: I did misread the question, the high lab is a downside. Not a problem with the proper gearing thou. Besides it, inrunner are very sweet and have a nice freeroll.

Edit edit: if encoder placed in the back of the motor you should try to keep as minimum 15-20mm distance between the pcbs. If no the one motor can influence the signal of the encoder of the other motor. Not much, from my testing, but better to avoid.


which motor is this with?

i was considering sss 56123 with an encoder for startup and running on vesc but i havent seen it happen much before

If your trucks are wide enough it’s a nice option.
The 56123 you can get in 220kV which isn’t too bad. With the front plate changed to a custom one with 63xx motor mounting hole pattern you could save some widths. I think that’s what 3Ds did as well.

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so its moe stooge trucks so those would be fine

i was thinking 56123 230kv at 12s with roughly 1:3 ratio
would a vesc be ok with running that?

Should be fine for sure. Question is if all the parts fit together to make it work well. Powerful motors need powerful escs and a strong enough battery. On top of that this needs a rider that can make use of that power.
If one of that above doesn’t fit, it’s more budget friendly/clever to settle with something smaller that still fits your needs.

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the choice is those or reacher tech motors
i feel the reacher techs may be underwhelming though

Those are some of the more difficult motors to use, why not just a regular 6374 or 6384 with mounting holes that fit almost anything? It would minimize the chances for problems.

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I want to do a high powered 2nd build
Inrunners are a nuisance in this area but have much more power

I tape half dead boosted guts on stuff for test drives xD


Omg tht just opens a new world for me
So i just did a little math. Aps also has 56123 inrunners 400kv max amp 150 and max volts 90
So when i use a 16s setup with 4x4 16000 mah in series i could use the stooge race trucks an encoder and a ubox as vesc. With the 11/78 gearing i still would have insane top speed and high torque on smooth motors am i right?
I want to go 16s with lower amps on the wires so get the power and torque from the gearing and the higher volts. Opposide of stooges setup
Am i right with my thinking?
I know the ubox has its limits at 100a per channel but i think this would be pretty nice or am i missing smthg?

I was running dual 56114 360kV at 12s on 1:6.25 gearing with 8“ tires. Startup torque wasn’t the best (not enough for my needs off-road) but they really took off at like 20km/h.
With 4wd the 56123s 1:7 gearing and maybe 155mm tires that should be pretty good thou.