Replies to the official Black Friday deals

Ah yeah I see where you specifiy 6.x. The 100A maytech I’m familiar with is the 4.12 varient here

When you’re talking about these settings, are you talking about the new 50A 6.8 superfocs, or the 200A 6.6 (v)esc?

Or is there another 100A maytech I’m unfamiliar with?

Oh I was talking about the 6.8 super FOC’s in this instance, 200A 6.6’s were flawless too.

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Makes sense. Curious of the battery specs but that’s probably around the upper limit of what they can handle. Given there are many variables that still factor in. Riding style, weight, terrain. Personally, I prefer larger motors and taller gearing than that so those are the only scenarios I’ve paid attention to in regards to the maytech ESC

Haha of course they’re flawless, them some pussy specs

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True, but it still hits near 70kmh on pneumatics, they work pretty good for me.

Ah, a strange hatred, indeed :thinking: