Remote for diy board

Both. Putting weight on it anyway won’t make a difference. When I used a big ass rc remote with duty cycle I could control the the different speeds with no weight on it and with weight on it. It’s running under uart. The remote I have is literally just a hunk of junk

yeah it does sound like your remote is trash. When you used the big ass RC remote, did you try it with PWM?

It’s the flipsky vx2. You’d think an almost 100$ wireless remote would have at least some sort of variety and programmability to it but then again that’s flipsky for you

I ran with uart with the rc remote

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I don’t know of any esk8 remote that is out of beta testing that has “programmability” beyond setting speed mode parameters.

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Just didn’t wanna have a foot long controller in my hand while riding lol

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That’s kinda what I mean. But funny thing is, this remote has a high, low, and medium speed setting on the remote itself. But it literally does nothing to your speed it’s just there lol

you won’t get telemetry with the VX2 in PWM mode but would you be willing to humor us and use it in PWM mode with the ESC and possibly rule out an issue with your UART?

my favorite PWM remotes are the VX1 and Hoyt Puck, BTW.

Also, I’d talk to flip sky. Try getting it replaced. It could easily be an issue with the hardware like you’ve said.

I’ve talked with flipsky and they said themselves it actually does nothing it’s just there. But I will try with pwm mode give me a moment

If you program your vesc to any other mode than default (not set up, that is important) the VX2 will literally do nothing. Plug the receiver in an uart port, detect the motors over USB and then turn the remote on. Then everything will work. Even the speed modes. If it still does nothing something is broken, maybe try changing the UART port. I have a VX2 right here and I fiddled with it long enough to know how it works. Its a POS and its a bit jerky compared to the wand or a puck, but its still miles better than duty cycle control.


Important: You need to turn the remote in a short time window AFTER you turned on the vesc on. If you wait to long, it may not connect, if you are to fast, it may not connect, and if you turn it on beforehand, it may not connect. You can see if it has connected if you get a battery reading from your board on its screen. Also it needs to be paired before you use it. Watch this video on how to do that and everything else.

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Wdym by a uart port?

I guess everyone but me got a dud. I kept mine when I switched to the beta unit I’m using right now but I loved the damn thing.

see my edit on why I don’t like it. :smiley: Mine is behaving especially bad

Thats where you plug in the receiver of the remote. There should be two on a dual ESC, which I assumed you use.

I love terrible things!

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I use 2 single vesc’s and there’s only 4 different ports. Can, sense, comm, and swd. Not including the 3 wire connection for recievers. I’m connected to the com port with the vx2 on my master vesc

Trying to do it with pwm but no luck. Keeps switching back to uart

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weird. Sounds like some software issue in the vesc. it could be the ESC is (also) garbage. have you tried flashing firmware and starting over?

Well it is flipsky. I wanted a focbox but I was om a budget

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I have, I’ve even tried going to older firmware versions and still nothin

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have you tried using the comm (UART) port on the other vesc?