Remote for diy board

Anyone know of a good remote that can be programmed for duty cycle? The flipsky vx2 remote I have sucks because it can only be programmed with current settings. For an almost 100$ remote it’s got an extremely simple design and no room to actually program anything to it. I’d rather not be going 25mph down a sidewalk with no way to control my speed. The only good thing about this remote is it showing your boards battery level and your speed. That’s it

You don’t want to use duty cycle, it takes off like a rocket and is super jerky

Are you making an esk8? Or something else?

I’ve used it before. Not very jerky if you program it right. It is the only thing that allows you to control your speed that I know of. It’s safer than going 25mph down a sidewalk

Esk8. Already have one made though.

If it’s an esk8, you absolutely don’t want to use Duty Cycle modes.

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Why not? I’ve tested it in the past and it seems safer than a 1 set speed with current

The first reason is because when you let off the throttle, you’ll get bucked off the front of the skate.


Current control let’s you adjust your speed, ease off to slow down and press to speed up, just takes practice

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Only way would be going up and down over and over again as you cruise

Try this one:

Screenshot from 2022-01-29 19-19-06

Isn’t it the same as breaking but instead of going down to break it’ll break if you’re not using the throttle?

I’m sorry for the questions I’m a bit new lol

It’s not the same, because when you brake, you can control the intensity of the brake.

In duty cycle modes, if you let off the throttle any amount, the brakes will hit at full motor power until your speed matches the new duty cycle. It will be two giant jerks that try to eject you from the vehicle.

Ah, that makes more sense

Duty cycle control is sort of like full brake or idle or full throttle and no other option.

And then you have to turn the power down low to not get bucked off, which reduces vehicle performance.

And it also reduces range, unnecessarily burning all the power to hold an exact speed.

Allowing the speed to fluctuate and controlling the current is significantly better for an esk8 vehicle.

If you were making a factory conveyor belt controller, I would probably choose a duty cycle control.

Doesn’t exist

The vx2 is classified as an nrf nunchuck

That’s why i want a new remote. Literally no options to program with any variety

That can be fixed if someone has the time or budget to do so.

The VESC code is like a spaghetti factory and it just needs some copy/paste love or maybe some refactoring.