Reese's Snack Sized | BKB Tayto | 12s3p 30Q | Single 6384 | FocBox | 90mm Popaca

The batterys have arrived time to look for a BMS and some more nickel strip.


@yelnats8j didnā€™t you have a fairly in depth explanation detailing how you skinned the Tayto? Looking around I couldnā€™t find it.

I would love if you could help me understand the materials and process you used. I want to try my hand at it on my tayto.

I learned from the master @Sender, could not have done it without him

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Its coming back alive, slowly but surely

The new BMS makes for much more space then the old d140. Its gonna be a hella fun board once again

Also the biggies hawg pulleys will get tested soon