Recovering from injury

@Briman Mind explaining the method of injury if you even know ?

What safety gear were you in at the time of the accident ?

I hope you’re able to fully recover and move past any mental blocks the traumatic experience has cemented into your mind. You can overcome anything. Don’t let something you love go too easily. @Tonkatron same questions and statement go for you as well!

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This is almost always required for broken bones. You need to reset them into the proper position or they will heal all fucked up and could leave you permanently damaged.

Basically they just yank it until it falls back into the right spot. If possible it’s best to reset an injury like this immediately after it happens but that’s almost impossible unless you have someone with you who is an experienced injury aficionado. It sucks ass but it’s totally necessary and usually will need to be done if you have any sort of separation.

This is also how you reset joints that have popped out of their sockets. Shoulder came out of the socket ? Jam it back in!!!


Take it slowy. But if you can get up and if that is what you like to do, do it. It all about falling and getting up again.

(Edit: and perhaps fa(i)lling better next time.)


I was riding my Trampa with bindings, got speed wobbles, board went hard left and i just slammed into the ground, right hip and elbow first. The head of my femur cracked againt the socket, that hurt quite a bit.

I was riding light protection, gloves, wrist guard, knee pads, helm.

You might as well watch the video -

Now I ride with additional elbow, chest/back/shoulder protection along with some padded shorts. No more than 15mph and I ride gentle.


How bout that gas, eh? :wink: Glad you’re better!

The padded crash shorts are where it’s at. Haven’t hurt my hip since I got em (but haven’t crashed a whole bunch). There’s a couple ones I would have hurt had I not worn them…


ha haa, first and last time.

@Saturn_Corp yeah, 100% worth it… you really want all the pads, i have come cheap china plastic body armour that has saved me a few times as well.


hmm I would say get some meat on your bones, natural padding helps too :wink:


I have tried for years…


I eaten lots of shit on my eboard journey. Nothing too serious, cracked rib and knee contusion probably the worst of it… oh and that time i ate it face first with no full face… picture is on builders somewhere.

@whaddys I damn near hit a speed bump a month ago! I was still about at 70% on the knee and had major “fear of missing out” aka FOMO. I was with Dr Mike, mcleod, chacon and scrubski and was getting dusted. Tried catching up and accelerated right at a speed bump. I slammed the brakes and did a controlled bail before breaking my ankles. If I can bail, I consider myself well enough to ride. Just take it slow and wear protection. Rest up bro, shit looks awful!


Got hit by a car that took a left in an intersection through my right-of-way. Ended up with a torn labrum in my shoulder that needed surgery. The thing that gave me confidence to ride was not to push it too soon. And to take physical therapy very seriously. It kept me off my board for about 4-5 months, but I have no hesitation getting on to ride.


man, what’s crazy is I’ve gone over that speed bump before but I saw and so I shifted my weight accordingly and it was no problem. This time I just totally overlooked it and was accelerating hard and KABLAM!

I think I remember seeing this happen to you, been wondering how your recovery was. I’m so glad to hear you recovered well and are doing OK now. Breaking the head of the femur is WHEW, NO JOKE! Did you get hooked on pain meds by chance? I did from this injury and had to withdraw and shit from oxy, it was no fun. I’m off that stuff now tho.

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I don’t think I was on them long enough
I had moprphone every 4 hours for the first 2 days and then Oxy Codine for another 3 days all while I was in hospital. I left hospital on day 5 and went home with Paracetimol and codine tablets. I only took the codine for the first two weeks I was home as I really needed to have a shit and that was blocking me up.

Looking back I do miss Oxy. That warm mellowness where days go by just feeling content. I was a bit grumpy for the first 2 weeks I was home but I also could not do anything without help or supvervision.

Anyway, the good news is that it does not hurt at all, no aches and I even forget that I have had a hip replacement sometimes.

Dont get dis-heartened or think you have to stop skating. Give youeself time to heal and then focus on strength. Every day you will get better and eventually you will know your new limits, adjust your riding and pad the fuck up. Also doctors will tell you not to do it but they always air on the side of caution. So make sure you see sports physio’s / rehab specilists. They will get you on your feet again and there is only one thing you have to do and that is do exactly what they say to do. If they say do this shitty exercise 5 times a day, 20 reps for 6 months and you want to skate again, you do it to the best of your ability.

Dont allow the negative to plague your mind, think good happy thoughts.

Sounds cheesy but it worked for me


I’m not sure what your asking as for the method. I had a brain bucket skate helmet on which probably saved my life definitely saved me from more serious injuries.

I broke my wrist snowboarding a couple a seasons ago, ending up going through similar events as you. As soon as I was healed up I went back out and on my first run I break my fucking wrist the same exact way. Ended up having a cast for half of that year…


I especially relate to this above :arrow_up: :arrow_up: thanks man, sorry I’m late on seeing this I really appreciate the uplifting spirit my dude!

I got super hooked on pain meds because they had to wait 2 weeks to operate on me and in the interim I was pumped full of dalaudid and oxy, and then after the surgery another week of oxy so I had to go through some really gnarly withdrawal. :sweat: :sweat:

Now I can move my ankle around with pretty good mobility but all the nerves on the underside are numb. Some toes are completely numb. It’s a weird thing to be able to move an appendage with almost full range of motion but feel like its a dead weight attached to your body. :japanese_ogre:

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well good you are off the pain meds. I found the nerves took a while to start working again and you might find over the next year that they start to fire back up.

this is great news, I’m sure you will be able to skate again.

If you ever want inspiration look up Scotty Cranmer on youtube and search his channel. 9 times xgames medalist, was at the top of his game and had an awful accident. Completly paralyzed from the neck down at one point but slowly slowly he could move a finger, then arm etc etc.

Almost the last video he was dopping in a Q-pipe on a BMX. Not the 180 whip to bar like he used to as he cant feel his legs at all but still.


I exactly got the same injury bailing out of a e-Freebord.

It’s been 3 months now since the accident, and I feel my movements very restricted, and constant pain.
Not very confident I’ll be able to Freebord or snowboard again :frowning_face:

How are you now? Did you fully recover?


BRUUHHHH, nooooo, I’m so sorry man I know the pain! I’m still not esk8ing, and am gaining my movement and recovering from the nerve damage still. My front toes are in this claw-like position from the ligaments being shortened, and I had my original surgery redone back in October because the one of the breaks shifted. However, I WILL be back to skating again, and I tel ya man, find a foot/ankle surgeon that’s LEGIT and get an opinion from him. Before I had my previous surgeon redo the surgery, a different guy I was referred to wanted to do an ankle fixation, which is sort of a last ditch surgery IMO. But keep your head up man, it’s a very slow and annoying injury to recover from but there’s light at the end of the tunnel!!


Hey man, 2 years ago I did the exact same thing to my ankle.

I did it by slipping off a curb…

I just wanted to let you know it’s tough but after about a year I was back to esk8 and now 2.5 years later I don’t even notice it.
It’s a slow recovery but you’ll get there.