Recovering from injury

So, I recently suffered a really bad injury a bit over a month ago where I hit a speed bump and broke my ankle in 3 different places. The injury is called a trimalleolar fracture.

I thought I’d start this thread for others to share their esk8 injury stories, and talk about recovery and getting back into the esk8 saddle. It’s been a depressing and painful last month for me managing pain on a daily basis, and wondering if esk8 is worth it. I’ve invested so much in this hobby and dream about riding again everyday, but I question whether my ankle will allow a future in esk8 again. How have others navigated similar territory? How did you survive recovery? How did you overcome the doubt and fear of esk8ing again?


I think the possibility for injury on our boards is super high. You really can’t ride without expecting and being prepared for it.

It’s a shame it’s so fun that the chance of getting further hurt seem overshadowed by the pain of not getting to enjoy the amazing activity we have here.


That sucks. Any injury that restrict mobility sucks. There is a video of a guy riding in the night and hitting a hole and he also broke his ankle. After watching that, I bought these.

It takes me 30min to put all the protection gear, I can’t afford to get injured


Shit Tim thats fucked brother. Run off the board?

With any accident it takes time to build confidence. Take it slowly at first.
@Tonkatron can attest


Esk8 related ehhhhh no but snowboarding yes. Which snowboarding got me into esk8 I would say. Snapped my wrist quite bad and now have a titanium plate with how ever many screws are in there lol.

Honestly my worst times during recovery were the times in the hospital lol. I hate IVs and at that time I never wanted to snowboard again. Crazy enough, they had to break my wrist again in surgery since it had already started to heal but it wasn’t healing straight. Anyways, lone behold 4 months later I was snowboarding , (now with wrist guards) Since I learned my lesson lol.

Recovery is hard dude but you gotta keep your head up. Don’t let one thing bring you down over something you love. If it is something you truly love then you just gotta think about the fun times rather than the times recovering. Now I have one gnarly scar but hey the women love a man with a few scars bro!

Stay strong brotha! Ride on


Not so funny how electric mobility devices have the ability to reduce your mobility :crazy_face:

This^ I want a special rack with it all laid out in the proper order I need to put it on. Need to design an entire ESK8 space for myself really.


holy shit THESE EXIST? there is hope after all! Thanks everyone for sharing their stories so far!

bro WHAT that’s madness! How long was it between the break and the surgery? THat’s some Wolverine superpower shit


Right dude… so I didn’t want surgery lol so about 1.5 months until I decided to get the surgery because my wrist was healing at not a perfect angle, which could have resulted in me having more problems down the road so the doc recommended I get surgery. After about being poked 8 times with an IV I was finally put under lol which then they have to break my arm again. Crazy shit for sure! Worst part is the recovery of gaining movement back. Swear to god when I got my cast off it felt as if I had a metal rode through my whole arm. I couldn’t move it at all lol. Fast forward to today I have full movement! You got it bro!


I’ve managed to avoid broken bones(knock on wood) but do have some nerve damage in my right hip and upper thigh. Naturally I wasn’t wearing my padded jeans that one time and came across a freshly strewn patch of gravel right where there’s no light hitting the road, just a sea of black. Going 30ish mph, around 2am, board takes a hard left from under my feet and I go flying forward landing first on my right side and rolling a few times. It would’ve been fine… if it wasn’t for the fact that I was wearing my vape on my right hip which got smashed into my leg. Was wearing helmet though ofcourse and that did save my life more than likely, cause on one of the rolls I smacked the chin area hard on the asphalt.


Broke my right wrist last year. I had just started a new job and I am very right handed. But I got by 2 operation and a plate helped my recovery. It took a month to get most of my use back. 7 months on I have 70% of the normal movement and this hand is weaker than the right. Ironicly it has made me a better skater I used a lot of my time to discover what I could do better and making my boards much safer. I ride more confidently now as safety is always in my mind. My wife gave a ton of crap over it. Well brother rest up get better and stronger and do your rehab. Now would be a good time to be stuck indoors in Minnesota.


Yoo, plate brother!

@whaddys for me it was rather easy getting back on it.
(story is from june 9th 2019)
I fell and broke my arm at 10pm. Went home and first made me something to eat. At 11pm i arrived at the ER. After lots of waiting and the staff forgetting me at the Xray station for an hour i got the plaster at 3:45am.

Got some overdue vaccination as well.

At 5am i was able to leave and went home straight to the bed. Later that day i was on my board again.

I obviously took it slowly. But ever since i fell I’ve accomplished more on my board, longer and more hardcore rides, highest personal top speed reached etc.

I’m more confident on my board after all. I even went snowboarding for the first time a few months back.


breaks arm; makes a sandwich :cowboy_hat_face:


Literally exactly that! Some nice toast.


these. been using them for years

they are a very good preventative measure when board riding and can also help support during recovery.
also, if there are no cuts, scabs or breaks in the skin use a little magnesium oil to speed up recovery.


I dislocated my right leg 3 times and still grinding hard, but now… Im gearing like a mad man :rofl: Before I jump on my board ankle protective brace, Knee compress combine with hard knee protector, full body armor, wrist guard, Full face helmet and fire extinguisher :rofl:


Can you link these ?

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That’s a Play-Doh spatula in your arm. I would call the hospital! :joy:


I use these

But there are others designs, some more comfortable than others.


I broke my hip at the end of August last year and my a hip replacement the next day.

Its tough dude to get back on it and I struggle to get the motivation to do it all the time. Even though the doctors at the time said I would not be allowed to skate again or even walk properly I stayed focused on recovering and 6 months later I was riding again. (I can also walk normally).

You just need to build strength in your ankle and mitigate the risks with protection, supports and rules. For instance I try not to go faster than I can run (which is not fast as I can’t really run still) and I dont push my limits as much.

I get anxious before I ride and being honest a lot of the time it is bad enough that I can’t ride either because of fear or just losing the will to do it. Once I ride I’m fine.

Every day is a work in progress day and every day is a good day


I took a hard fall 2 years ago in what my wife calls hell week. In one week I fell, our niece had spiral fracture in her leg from sliding down a playground slide and ended the week with finding out that the company I worked for was closing up the next week.

With my accident I smacked my head on the asphalt got a mild concussion. Road rash on my shoulder, hands, hip and Knee. A few days after the fall I had a really bad sneeze and felt a pop in my side and immediately had pain radiating from my side and knew I broke a rib.

I have been on the board a few times since but it is definitely scary. I have riding my push boards mostly