Raptor owners scavenge grounds

What pins do I need to cross

Switch port, touch a little something to the 2 MOM (momentary) pins. Don’t need to hold it there.


Tested button it works looped the mom pins.
I have 36v on the vesc just not turning on

Well. Could be anything then, if you’re getting 0 activity, the antispark might be blown on it. Might need to send it to a repair guy

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Is there any one in UK or EU that can fix it.
Looks like the foc is dead

There is, go through the focbox unity issues thread, there’s a couple eu guys last I saw

I’ve got a set of raptor hubs that have an issue, I’ll let you guys see if you can spot it.

Sometimes I wonder if they’d ever be useful to me again but my collar bone keeps telling me not to touch them. Just can’t tell which half is the one talking…


Gimme a few weeks on my experiment and you might have an answer :joy:


Yeah the question is how long should I keep using them…:roll_eyes: Some part of my brain says “…torqueboards…”


Hey look, I have an issue too but its actually hard to see. First one who sees it I will call my king for ever.

It’s a raptor 2 hub motor.

I am my king forever.


nope you’re just the jester, that’s a 2.1


I was wondering when you’d show up.

your bearing is hella seized.


There is this black ring that does not turn on one wheel, but does so on the other. And yes my lord my bearing is so stiff I had to put quite some force on it.

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That black ring is the dust shield for the bearing, which is normally attached to the outer race, which turns with the can of the motor. Your bearing is literally frozen and you’re forcing the can to slide over the outside of the bearing. Don’t even try to ride that, it will explode in minutes.

Look on my shitty valkyrie “build” thread if you’re not sure how those motors come apart and replace those bearings


The torque screws are frozen as well :expressionless: can’t open it

Tap them lightly with a hammer then use a really high quality torx key, they have locktite on them, but they’ll snap open.


That worked!
So, in Belgium, whenever there is a slight hint that it might just get to 0°c, everybody starts to do the panic dance around the town well and we dump tons of salt onto our super shitty roads. Then it usually just rain a little bit more so we all get a nice mud/salt layer fucking up our vehicles.


I’ve got two sets of unused raptor hubs. One with the standard 90mm wheels and the other with 97mm.

Anyone interested in buying these? :pray: