Raptor owners scavenge grounds

Assuming it’s the white 6-pin connectors I disabled them but not sure how to do the detection as sensorless with Focbox tool

It is the 6 pin JST. Under motor configuration in the tool you can pick sensor or unsensored. But I’m pretty sure if you simply ran motor setup wizard without the halls connected, it will pick that setting up automatically. Just note that the motor TEMP sensor is on that harness too, so you will not get thermal throttling when the motors are overheating. Keep that in mind or you could fry the motors.

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Is BLDC tool the software I’m supposed to be doing? Can’t figure out how to do motor calibration with that software. Saw motor calibration on focbox UI but no option to do sensorless.

Nvm I think I figured it out. Thank you so much! My board has been unrideable for almost a year now.

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Just run the motor calibration with the bad sensor unplugged. It should auto detect. Leave the good sensor plugged in if you want thermals

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Board is back to broken. I plugged the cable to the good motor in and it brought back the issues. Tried to go through the process of fixing it again but now nothing changes - even when I unplug the cable again

I have a dead 2.1 with less than 100 miles on it

Any error codes in vesc tool? Can you run motor detection with no sensors on both motors?

Not any error codes I can see. Yes, I can run detection with no sensors

@Stephensound and other guys…

I can repair them if it is not hub related.

First one with broken BMS and battery is repaired and again running great.
Second one is laying at home for a repair. And third is going to shipped it.


Does the board run with no sensors? If the phase wires are good, the sensors are not completely necessary

It ran before without sensors but now without the sensors the motor with the bad sensors still makes the same crazy stutter and noise

It’s dead I’m picking it up tomorrow I hope
I sold it he had it for 6 weeks and it’s dead I feel bad for him so I’m going to try and fix it

One motor or both? Does the motors spin freely? Do you have a loose phase wire?

As far as I can see 1 wheel spins freely
But the board won’t power on

Just one of the motors doesn’t spin much and makes a crazy noise. Which one is the phase wire? This is all just confusing because yesterday it was working fine after I switched it to sensorless.

The phase wires are the 3 thick ones from each motor. Try swapping the motors from left to right and run detection again, that way you can see if the problem switches with the motor or is a ESC problem

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Thanks. Will try this sometime today.

Hey @Renidious, I believe I just had the exact same problem as you have. After a lot of testing (unsensored/switch motors) I tried connecting the motors directly to the focbox, which solved everything, meaning my little tunnel-passthrough-black printboard-thingy was to blame. I opened everything up an there was some corrosion underneath that little motherfucker, which was causing unpredictable howling noises and stuttering due to short cirquit. Brushed it off with an old toothbrush and put everything back together. Then I went wild and waterproofed the whole thing.

Hope this helps

Praise turtles


How would you plug the motors directly into the Unity while bypassing the PCB?

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