PWM vs PPM vs Servo Control: Vesc PPM app is named wrong.

Aafter a bunch of internet research into how the control mode the PPM app is using is normally referred to here’s what i’ve found:

Servo Control

the vesc PPM app doesn’t decode PPM. it decodes “servo control”. which is a defacto standard without much of a name. but under the name servo control it does have a wikipedia page.


most commonly that protocol is referred to as PWM by RC manufacturers. but importantly it’s not “full PWM”. Servo control does not expect full duty_cycle nor does it measure duty_cycle, it measure pulse duration. so you will also find those who do not like it referred to as PWM. You will find stories of arduinio PWM libraries breaking servos.


there is evidence on the internet of the RC community occasionally referring to it as PPM but mostly these people are corrected in comments or follow up posts. More rarely there appears to be to be the usage of “single channel PPM” to describe it. this appears to be confusion around incorrectly understanding what PPM and CPPM is (CPPM appears to be a frsky variant. I suspect its inverted differentially encoded PPM, which looks a lot like a series of width modulated pulses. instead of position modulated. but because it’s inverted the remainder of the frame is high so it wouldn’t match ‘servo control’ even as single channel)

You can find lots of stuff in old RC posts about decoding PPM carrying multiple channels over the air and converting it to PWM (Servo control) on individual outs. suggesting that PWM is the oldest and most common way to refer to servo control. and PPM in close proximity is sometimes confused term with it.

Servo Control > PWM

As a name, PWM is the most common but makes people unhappy. PPM is not correct and not nearly as common way to refer to servo control.

it really is a more specific protocol than the term “PWM” and it deserves a better name.


I’ll ask a dumb question, can this be plugged into a vesc and be used as a throttle?

I searched “servo controller” on Amazon

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Yes; I have three different kinds of servo testers, and they all work.

but I don’t have that specific one