Just out of curiosity, why in my stormcore 60D+ apart from all the other texts the + is black
You want to know why they decided to make the “+” black?
Do you know? Now im curious lol
Feels like such an arbitrary thing to ask though. Like why does the colour of the “+” matter?
And no, I have no idea why. Maybe they just liked it that way? Lmao
I was merely curious, you can talk about anything here can’t you. Probably just a new batch since haven’t seen one on anybody elses.
its probably a small change so they know from which batch onward they were from
Hope it’s a good batch :3
What are thooooooose
They are amazing that’s what
Somehow ive never seen them in my life xD
Get them into your life!
Lmao I will!
Every second you don’t have hot cross buns is a second you’re missing out.
It’s a great snack for when you’re trying to determine if someone is a vampire.
I always thought the best snack for that is a t-bone steak
I’m Italian. We never had a vampire problem. Too much garlic.
It’s so cold up here that vampires can’t even drink blood, it gets too thicc
Blood slushies not a thing?
Lol hot cross buns are just raisin toast in bread roll format. Change my mind.