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Ive never really wanted telemetry before today, i did a simple screen recording of vesc tool RT Data and waa surprised, 170A? Defuq?

How to tell us you’re fat…

It shows you the data for both sides. And it reports phase current. For battery current, divide watts by batt voltage.

Mine hits 280 when I floor it haha

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How on earth? I hit 280 (barely) for the first time today and I had to be sitting down on my board holding onto the nose. I got to 20ish in sub 2 seconds.


0-30 in 4ish seconds from a standstill. Hits 280 for a very small amount of time as I’m almost breaking traction.

There’s a video of it in the makerx d75 thread.

Maybe a bad bearing, or poorly seated bearing? I would pull the can off and see if the stator is rubbing anywhere or if any of the bearings feel odd.

is there a way to put a smart llt bms into balance mode ? I mean while charging it kind of blance but it stop as soon as the higher cell get to the max value.
Can I make it balance without charging ?

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Yes but then it won’t balance while charging

I don’t have those, what app version do you have ?

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This most certainly ain’t the one I got.
I downloaded the one that was on their website, (blue icon with the elefant)
does this one works with the old bms ? (Never seen solar mentioned anywhere)

not sure what is the old and what the new. Give it a try i’d say. Works for me and doesn’t have a billion different version of which most don’t work.

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That-s too windy a night to try and burn my house down, I’ll play with that tomorrow.
I found the equivalent setting in another tab of my app too.

The option in your app is labeled “charge balance”

If it’s off it’ll only balance while not charging

Ok, i know its probably going to hurt, its likely stupid to try… but you know, cant stop thinking about it now… theres an old veledrome i want to have a crack at, its got some pretty impressive bank. What kind of speed would you need to do to get round that as an angle? Anyone done similar?

Shitful photo, but the doggo is running round the flooded flat part at the bottom

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oh man that makes me jealous. I wish we had something like that in my area. I’d build just to ride that berm!

i brought my board to a velodrome and almost fell off of it backwards at like 25mph. needless to say, dont fucking do it unless you wanna send it

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