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Can you link the ebay listing

Nevermind, Inboard M1 Electric Skateboard Rear Wheel Assembly Manta Drive Motors Truck | eBay

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Some Inboard parts were listed recently


Everything but the hubs. smh

Thanks for the link though.

LOL yeah I almost didn’t even link it because of that, but thought maybe it could help you.

Swing and a miss


anyone experienced vx1 disconnecting if you dont use the throttle after 1-2 seconds? i think the receiver went bad

edit: it seems more stable if i dont connect the battery pin

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@surfnacho frc? What was the project?


Yes sir, FRC!

Not an offseason project, but three offseason events in four weeks.

I took on a huge responsibility and hosted an event. Tidal Tumble ( Ranked 3rd at Tidal and won the event. We then went to the best event in CA, Chezy Champs. Ranked 3rd and made to finals, losing to two world-class teams. Then we competed at Beach Blitz, ranked first, and won the event.

Ig the project was this insane robot lol. Best robot to come out of 4414’s 2.25 seasons


Watched the reveal vid, that shooter is serious! Doing that many comps sounds stressful, but I imagine the glory was worth it lol. What mechanisms on that bot did you design?


Damn when you said you were traveling for robotics I didn’t imagine this! Cool!

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Yeah FRC is awesome, it was my favorite part of high school back when I did it

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I wish my school had the budget for FRC. we’re stuck scraping up enough money for FTC.

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Thanks! Definitely, something we are proud of. Lots of other teams made “4414 clone” shooters.

It was so much fun. I am just glad that all of the new students got serious frc experience before the real season!

I designed the drive base, elevator, and intake. I also do a lot of the CNC work, as well as lead scouting. I made two pretty cool scouting apps that track robot performance with graphs and such.

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We are actually a community team, not affiliated with a school. It is nice because we don’t have to deal with school rules and stuff, but the drawback is that we are responsible for securing funding.

Haha for sure. FRC is dope!

Damn, I’m jealous. Good luck in the competition though Those are much more vigorous than what I deal with


what are the central elements of the design that allow it to preform so well?

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There are a few things. The first is hood control. We use linear servos to change the angle of the hood based on where we are on the field. We like them because they have built-in encoders and we don’t have to have a separate hood gearbox.

Second, and probably the most defining, is the roller array. The main flywheel is a 4" urethane wheel with stainless plates on each side for MOI. What makes the array special, are the hood accelerator wheels. We originally only had one, then moved to two for our 2020 competition. We realized that the accelerators had a huge hand in the accuracy as well as consistency of each shot (not slowing down after the first shot, causing the second to miss, etc.)

Also, the carbon fiber filled nylon hood is sweet lol. The telescoping nature helps guide the hood and provides some structure to the back.

And then to make shooting positions even better, the shooter sits on a 180 deg rotating that also changes angle based on robot position. All of this combined with a swerve drive (simultaneous rotation and translation), allows for insanely fast cycles. This setup allows the driver to focus fully on picking up balls and scoring them rather than on robot orientation.

Talked a lot about the v1 of this robot here: Behind the Bumpers FRC 4414 HighTide Infinite Recharge 2021 - First Updates Now - YouTube


I assume you didn’t design your own swerve modules, are those the sdsmk3s? Having multiple accelerater wheels is a really interesting idea, makes sense that it would lead to better consistency. What rpm are the main wheel and hood wheels spinning at? I’m curious about why you guys chose to opt for an independently amiable shooter even though you have swerve. Is the thinking there that keeping the aiming of the shooter (horizontally) separated from the drivetrain allows the driver to be driving while the shooter auto aims with minimal interference? Or is it so that defense bots can’t pin you and stop you from shooting?

Yall got any suggestions to combat this in the future? I just finished a Sportster build and the deck is splitting with >100miles. My only guess is the weight from the motors and trucks is to much on the deck and it needs some sort of reinforcing

DIY - fill with epoxy and clamp. Add layer(s) of fiberglass or carbon fiber to reinforce the deck at the necks and mounting positions.

Not-DIY - buy a stiffer / stronger deck

The sportster is pretty flexible off the shelf. The ideal esk8 deck has little to no flex.