Problem with Slick Revolution/iWonder Cloud Wheels (SERIOUS)

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So maybe stop whinning.


Lol, like I give a crap about political correctness. Who’s the new guy that just joined the thread? you? I’m not hating on jxslepton. I’m not whining it’s just amusing how much you’re beating the dead horse over some cracked plastic…

All I’m saying is if ya got some cracked wheels then get replacement/refund otherwise ride it or don’t, don’t waste so much energy spreading propaganda lmao


@pixelsilva was the new guy. The first time he posted in this thread, you trolled him over his pandemic comparison. I guess you lose track of all the people you troll – including the fellow who crashed and was injured. You told him he forgot spacers and it was his own fault.

Interesting you could not care less about a fellow eskater who was injured …but you care so much if someone pokes fun at the company who’s product caused the injury.


You know what it is that bugs me, is the bandwagoning that happens. Against iWonder, I don’t care so much, but it reminds me so much of what happened to Psychotiller and other smaller vendors, where 100 people brings out pitchforks over 2 people’s problems and it screws over these smaller vendors who has not much capital and is doing the best they can… So every time I see a bunch of people, especially people who does not own or use the product screaming about faults, I think they should not yell louder than the person who fell.


Have you ever considered how many people may have new and cool ideas they want to bring to market, then they see people like you and think: wow, if my product has any flaws I didn’t think of, this is what happens and how I will get treated? Forget iWonder and Chinese factories and all that BS. Think of if, you, yourself was a small 1 person vendor and you get attacked like this. That’s the perspective I’m holding.

I don’t give two fucks about cloud wheels, but I see all these threads with people working by themselves to make a cool new thing and I hope it comes to market perfectly, but if there is any flaw, I’m going to be there to back them and give them a chance to make it right, and not join in the bandwagon of fuck you and your product.

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I-wonder is being helped by threads like this one. The conversations between customers with cracked wheels and prospective customer who decided not to buy-- these conversations have a purpose. They light a path for I-wonder to do something better than pretend that there is no problem. We see that they appear to be switching materials. It may be a step in the right direction. But everyone benfits if the conversation continues.

@pixelsilva had a really good point that was never discussed.

He is right. Someone in this thread could help I-wonder by organizing a team of testers to beta test the new wheels. Heavy riders that ride on rough roads. Maybe some cold climate riders. Those beta testers could report their results back to the thread and to I wonder when the results are good. If the results are good then that’s a big marketing win for I-wonder. And if the results are bad, then they can go back to the drawing board and try again instead of manufacturing thousands of units with a high failure rate. That would continue to be bad for the company’s reputation.

Threads like these often turn into really helpful user groups that help companies to develop better safer products.

@BillGordon is one person that I could think of who would be great at organizing a group of beta testers to help I-wonder. He is pretty neutral and he knows the membership of this forum.

Unfortunately, the conversations about things like beta testing don’t happen when people with good ideas get trolled out of the thread.

I-wonder has every opportunity to turn this thread into a positive thing. As you know some people have reached out to them and have been snubbed. Like this guy…(its you @BluPenguin)…

It’s true. One customer often fails to change the bad or self-destructive behavior of a company that is selling a problematic product.

But a collection of customers who are vocal and angry can be the spark that convinces a company with a troubled product to be honest about the problem and to work with a small group of customers to make sure that the next version is safe and reliable.

It would start with a company announcement like this:

It has come to our attention that there were some batches of cloud wheels that prematurely developed cracks in the wheel cores. Not all wheels are affected but all customers should carefully inspect their wheel cores for cracks. If you find cracks, please remove the wheels and contact us for replacements.

We are also working with a group of beta testers to stress test the next version of the product. Customers who find cracks will have a choice of getting immediate replacements or waiting for the revised product. Below are some pictures of wheels that did develop cracks. These pictures should help you to inspect your own wheels.

That’s all it takes for them to regain credibility. If they do that then we should all defend them. Until then, they have not really earned the privilege of being defended.


@wandagoner sending his respects :laughing::grin:

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Hello, this is Hide weng,from iwonder. First of all, I personally thank you very much for the idea of testing, which is what we really want to do. I have always been concerned about threads, and we have made relevant records of any helpful suggestions you have made. We also tested the new wheels, and the video was also posted in our FB group(cloudwheel club). Please moderators don’t delete my account and reply, our ultimate goal is to improve the use of electric skateboard experience, create more novel products, and the majority of users to carry out technical discussions together and make progress together.


Oh hello! Could you enlighten us with why so many cores have crack lines? Is it from bad batch?


What you said does not rule out the possibility, but for this problem, we will not shirk responsibility, but for now, the most critical thing is to first find the root cause and solve it, which takes time.we will definitely make corresponding treatment.
Everybody can still continue to discuss this issue, we will also participate from time to time to discuss together.

120D new cloudwheel, we will arrange testing activities later.
Thanks everybody again.


You don’t know the cause either?

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NO,because of multiple possibilities, we need to get the most correct reason instead of guessing, so we still need time to verify some of the possible reasons we found.
We are doing a lot of testing.

Do you make your cores in-house, or is the cores made by someone else?

Hi Hide-

Thank you for coming here to talk with us. We will not be deleting your account or posts, as we are eager to help figure out what is happening.

We will assist in the solution any way we can, and all we ask is to have our concerns heard. From your posts here, I see this is already taking place. We really do appreciate that.

In addition to the others here, I have a set of your wheels that I have really enjoyed but no longer feel comfortable using because of the failing core.

Please do contact me if you would like us to help with testing and making sure we can all enjoy your wheels again. We will be happy to share any successes from that process just as we have shared our concerns.

Welcome to forum.

Bill Gordon


Anyone know what the difference between the old and new 120d is?

Hi Bill
Have a good day.
First of all thank you and everyone care about and support our products.
Please tell me your e-mail, and I will let my colleagues contact you to deal with your wheels.
Then, regarding the testing activities, we are also planning, if possible, we will notify you as soon as possible.
Finally, thank you again for your care and support.
Best regards
Hide weng


Hi Hide:

Thankyou for joining the conversation. I think you will find lots of customers happy to help you here. I think there is much interest in the new plastic. There are rumors that you have a new plastic supplier and a different type of plastic.

My sugestion would be to nominate a team of about four or five members from this thread to have a private discussion about the cracking problems and what you are planning to do next. Once the thoughts are organized, someone from the team can post some information in this thread about the progress. If you do switch to a new plastic or process then the same team can test a small batch of samples in tough conditions.

I know that it sometimes happens that products in china are tested with much smaller riders and at lower speeds. So testing with larger riders in different conditons can be very helpful.

I would like to nominate several people – for you to conisder:

@BillGordon ( and a customer of your wheels)
@isabar (Owner of Metro boards)
@rafaelinmissouri (the rider who was injured)
@ShutterShock (a very smart engineering student)
@jeffwuneo (from china and with manufacturing experience)
@BluPenguin (an engineer who enjoys your products)
@Mikenopolis (he rides your wheels, likes them and he always jokes about how heavy he is.)

My suggestion would be to have a private chat group to discuss for several days.
And then to have a representative of the group post here a summary of the plan forward.

If you would like to invite me to the group then I would be happy to join you.


Got a response fom Flpsky official store, they’ll get back to me on monday. No response from iWonder yet but maybe they’re all the same :smiley:


@Hide thanks for coming on here. I really hope your company and product can grow from this. I and alot of people love your product but this issue has to be resolved.


Nah flipsky is not iWonder, I chat with flipsky all the time, everyone just resells the iWonder wheels lol