Portable Charger

I finally completed this project and am quite happy with the results, so wanted to share it here. Its just a big clunky boost converter from DROK that I put into a pretty plastic project box, and serves many purposes for me.

First, it allows me to carry an extra battery I’ve had forever with me to use as additional power. Its a 10S2P, so it provides quite a bit of extra range in case I’m going somewhere without a place to charge (quite often).

Second, when going on group rides it allows for “sharing charge” which surprisingly is needed quite often as well. Mind you, this is a boost converter so it only works for spreading the love from the same or lower voltage rides to equal or larger ones.

I’m waiting on some risers for the config/display panel so that I can mount it into the lid and then seal it shut. I put AntiSpark connectors on it for obvious reasons. Making the connectors/adapters was easily the most time consuming part of the project. I’ll have to test it on the road to see just how much more range I get out of this 10S2P pack and how long it takes to charge up. Its a 900W converter, lists rated at 15A, so I’m pretty sure its going to be a quick charge, albeit with losses.

I might also mount two fans into the box, one in one out to allow for active cooling since the converter already had a fan, but I don’t know if it’ll be necessary. We’ll see!


Thats pretty cool. Is this the converter you are using?


That’s the one, I found one on ebay shipped from CA for like $25, they got em on amazon too for like $30+

The generic name is “BST-900W”

I just found one on Amazon for $29.85. I might make one of these with a 3d printed enclosure, relocating the display to bezel on top and mounting the XT90 ports on the side.


I got this one to charge 6S-12S packs with 13S packs. Pretty damn versatile

Still need to make a connector to splice into my leiftech to see what extent it allows me to ride longer maybe without stopping or slowing down much.


Thats cool. I was thinking a lipo pack with x4 3s lipos in series and parallel to make a 6s for charging 10s or 12.


I had that same DROK boost converter and it pooped out on me within like 3 hours, same with some other DROK one I had prior to that that also ended up shitting the can… dunno if mine were just duds or not… I’ll link what I’ve been using for almost two years, lots of that time mounted directly to my trucks under heavy vibration and it’s been bullet proof (at least having potted the larger components with E6000 to handle the vibrations), save for one mosfet I had to solder back on due to vibrating loose.


it makes a good amount of noise and heat when doubling the voltage. Sometimes if you overload it then the fan will shut off for some reason. The more you load it the less accurate the voltage output is as well.

I was not able to balance charge using it as a power supply


Ahhh, ok. So maybe 10s to charge 12s?

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Yep I bet that would much work better and @Skatardude10 if that one works just as well then it’s prob a better choice space wise. Can I see a pic of it on the board?

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Following so I can read up later


I am a fan of using the 6S power tool batteries… if you find some with mislabeled prices in a corner somewhere you can get them cheap, they handle the load great, hot swap them with an adapter for more juice you can store in a backpack, and with their built in BMS you don’t have to worry so much about running them to empty as they will just cut off at the end.


That looks good, does 6a-8a do well for you?

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I’ve always ran 5A at 42V, that works great, never pushed it higher because barrel connectors.

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That’s a cool idea, I’ll have to look for some bases I can 3d print or something :grin:.


There are some copper plated hanging rods for suspending plumbing with holes pre-drilled along the length, I’ve been using those as battery contacts in my adapter with power wire lugs to clamp them down.


That’s cool, boy scout it up hommie :grin:.


This is the same as what chibattery makes?

Essentially yes, but a little different.

@Skatardude10 @mmaner

Its likely that planning to have this mounted to your board requires different levels of “carefully manufactured”. I don’t plan on having this mounted to anything, just carried in a backpack instead of a bulky AC/DC power supply. Also, the features on the 600W one are lacking. Saving pre-configured settings for various boards seems like a nice touch on this one. Worrying about how effective cell balancing will be is probably not important if you are only using this device once in a while. You still will charge using your power supply most of the time.


Its a good idea, Im just intrigued by the whole thing.