PKP Truck Products/Design Ideas and Feedback.

just realized I can throw bearings on there so I get a roller instead of a slider. For a more durable/water resistant design this metal/plastic on plastic idea would be perfect on a Freebord or beach board. your truck steering can also now be jammed on a pebble. Nice. sealed truckboxes when?

I will see if it makes more sense to have it on whichever side of the supermodularBNadjbaseslider. huh slider on the slider base, on a sliding board. Sounds slick.


The closer you get to zero deg the more unstable this will become. A zero rake truck that uses caster. Super interesting.


What I was thinking about is having good return to center.
on a Freeboard where I want to use these ideas you can never have a hanger get stuck more than a deg or two off center, they also need KRANKed bushings so return should be more than solid enough.
I was just considering the possible dangers to mitigate.

I have also been thinking about how to make something like a FB 5-X suspension with two NKPs that would be awesomely adjustable. I began thinking even about it may be possible to angle the rod out and run no guiding mechanism at all. (model I must)

That idea of having less than solid guiding led me to think about the axle sliding in a slot to constrain, as on a Freeboard there is no steering slop issues at speed really. Then I realised for the more normal design that you could have the slider constraint only acting from the boardside. I think this idea would work quite well scaled down, it is more simple than the dual rod design. To eliminate slot/slider slop I would try having some kind of spring/bushing preload on them.

I did not completely get this at first but I see now you mean the turn slop caused by the sliding constraint against the plate will have ever greater effect on stability approaching 0 degrees, where it is needed most. I suppose my dual NKP rod end config is superior in that respect of excellent movement constraint for stability in all positions.

I am not looking for high speed stability as the primary goal of everything I am thinking of. One thing that would be interesting is allowing that deflection on the slider constraint for some sort of suspension. Ok time to come up with some better ideas I guess.

this part I am not understanding.


more rake means the turning radius decreases exponentially (the more you lean).


Moe sounded like he meant two different things but in that pic they are defined to be the same. Maybe I am getting confused about something, well I am but idk about what.

Yeah that part I dont get either. Why is a linear turning radius more unstable?

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No I wanted an explanation of what Caster on a truck vs rake is and where it was on that model.

Well yours is 0 rake if I’m not mistaken?

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again it sounded he said there is additional component of caster.

is this part of the geometry?

sorry @Linesflag I should have been more clear, I was not asking for help understanding the picture, the picture made what @MoeStooge said make no sense so I wanted to know what he meant.

Probably because it casts on bearings?

hmm yeah I did put the slider constraint on the wrong plane as this position on the adj base should be 0.

you think I could make that slider plate curved for a progressive turn? For suspension definitely.

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Lol you think I should use one 608 bearing to constrain it or two?

Prob two.

Bushings also I guess. I was thinking about attaching stuff to the holes exposed on the left there. How much of the BN baseplate do you think you can chop off?

I am have a really hard time determining what the goal is here and what problem you are looking to solve.


Exploring possible small footprint trucks with high precision and adjustability because why not. Some of these ideas could be scaled down or up without changing much else also which I like for specialization.

if I were trying to make something smaller/cheaper overall I could use a fixed baseplate and move the pivot bearing location. (remind you of something???) Would have to lose the bushing tension to spin the axle unfortunately.

Overall theme is modular truck. Don’t like something? Change it out.


I… honestly never realized dkp are actually dtkp. That kind of explains why i, as a long time rkp head, always preferred soft bushing rkp, qnd thought dkp felt wrong.


I have a “interesting truck design ideas” thread I wanted to make so it wouldn’t all get mixed in and lost in here. Let me make that now.

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With this. I notice the slider for angle is at or near its max to one side, for the “zero” angle. But, i have very little understanding of the geometry of this kind of truck. What would be the effect of greater/lesser positive/negative kingpin angle on the setup pictured?

Adjusting the angle of the truck/rotation axis changes the steering ratio like every truck. it is more like a bolt pivot trucks discussed in awesome detail on Longboard technology

wow look who it is lol!! Dat boi themself


This is a pretty unique idea.

With rollers you’re tuning the whole thing hanger into a thrust bearing.


I need to model the smaller version that is where that slot/slider guided idea really shines. where there is no room for any rods or other bearings at all.

I am still messing around with putting a bearing there idk why… clearly it should be a urethane pivot cup.
Yeah so move the collars in and make one solid pivot knob and all that.

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