CNLink stuff is very bulky, use GX12 or Weipu SF12 / SA12 connectors.
For comparison, right Is cnlinko, left is weipu. Those are rated for the same current and have the same amount of pins. Not a fan of cnlinko anymore.
CNLink stuff is very bulky, use GX12 or Weipu SF12 / SA12 connectors.
For comparison, right Is cnlinko, left is weipu. Those are rated for the same current and have the same amount of pins. Not a fan of cnlinko anymore.
Weipu are some of the most beautiful, high quality connectors I’ve ever touched
The only downside is they’re like 8.50 each from Aliexpress haha
Absolutely, and those are only the small ones. I use the big SA28s for my phase leads and those are 17.50 a male/female pair.
I just found them for 7.58 CAD
Aaand it goes to $45 CAD with shipping when I check out 2 sockets and 2 plugs
You need to be careful that you select a pair, they are also available in only female / male singles, meaning you get either plug or port, not both.
Yeah I selected the 6 pin pair
Ah okay, good. Personally I like the round ports more, but you do you.
It’ll be coated in e[oxy anyway m but I like the idea of 4 Fastnet points instead of a pressure fit threaded ring. The round ports are easier to install but I feel like square panel ports are more sturdy
Why would you coat these in epoxy? The round ports need less space, that’s why I like them.
Exxxxtra secure and exxxxxtra waterproof.
Idk, they have a rubber seal, seems a bit over the top to me.
One thing I’ve learned with esk8… Everything breaks
that’s some nice enclosure porn
That’s gotta be one of the most cooled DV4’s ever haha
No I mean the actual MR60 connector. It is not water tight and there are 3 phases right next to each other ready to get shorted.
I mean it’s splash proof / water resistant. You going swimming with your board?
If it ain’t IP68 all the way through I wouldn’t consider it resistant to anything.
Where did you get that from? I wasn’t able to find any ratings for MR60s.
I’m just talking practically, if you ride through a puddle, it’ll be fine
The connection on the ones I’ve used is quite tight, and each pin is pretty isolated, obviously it’s not official though.
If you splash that connector, it’s not gonna get water in it, same thing with say, an XT60
I bet if you plugged two mr60 together, and ran it under water for a few minutes, and dried it, then opened it, that the inside would be dry