Parts for sale EU UK must go asap

Tons of parts for sale

All must go ASAP

Need to clear out house

Pm me with offers or questions

Thank you in advance

New @boardnamics mounts with 2 flip sky belts (£40)mounted once but never used(sold)


Ollin v1 trucks pulley belts and mount (£50) used in good condition

Also have a spare pulley (£10) for ollin buck trucks

Also have spare buck trucks(2 or so(£7 each)

Bunch of random trucks all in good condition off some longboards(£5 each)

Caliber2 style truck from tb (£20) in perfect condition mounted never used

10s 1.5a charger from meepo (give offer)

Epoxy and glass frit and 2k clear coat half used but decided to scrap the idea(£10)

Bunch of spray paints (if anyone wants)(£10 for the lot)some used most not

20 lg mg1 cells all work just broke battery pack(£10)(sold)


Flipsky anti spark new(£20)

Bunch of belts and hardware free with any order

10s2p enclosure meepo style (£5)(sold)


Will add more parts soon

If you have a any problems then just contact or ask

Shipping from London you pay


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What’s the story behind the cells? As long as they’re not faulty and still hold at least like half the capacity i’ll have them. Also in UK.

Edit: Located in London so can probably collect (can do tomorrow?). If so I’ll take the enclosure and the belts and hardware if you still got those.

@infiniteoffset get these parts

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those are not HG2 cells…

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These aren’t made by caliber

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Hi sure just bms broke and therefore didn’t have time, energy or knowledge to replace it and just want to get rid of my stuff

They are from an LG pack made by Newport I think🤔

I will check what exact one they are

Caliber2 style…


Cool. I assume you would be fine with me bringing a multimeter to just quickly check the voltages? Or do you have one to save me carrying it?

Edit: Also I already checked the model, they’re MG1, should be fine for my uses

Don’t think I have a decent multimeter mine is pretty shocking

They are LG mg1 cells not hg2 as I thought

Cool, sending PM.

Why are you selling the boardnamics mounts you just bought, :man_facepalming:t2:

What’s the internal dimensions of the meepo enclosure? I’m also interested in the antispark

Cause I got a deal on some other much nicer (cooler) mount with some tb218 which needed

So was just like scrap those mounts

The enclosure is under pending payment so wait for the moment

@boardnamics mount price lowered

Need gone ASAP

Prices very flexible

You know if you file the mount, it’ll fit the 218’s

I know I just got some different mounts instead which I bought with some tb218s