Paris Cup 2019 - The best of DIY (LONG POST)

Thanks. I will add his name to the post when in sat back at a real computer again :slight_smile:

@pjotr47 those aerial photos are absolutely nuts. The sure looks epic.

You guys have set a new gold standard for how these events should be and everyone’s going to need to up their game now we knew what’s possible :slight_smile:

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Anyone have a link to the FatDaddy pictures? I think there are some great ones in there. Just can’t remember where they are?

Oh yeah the acceleration on that one diy monster build with those chain drives was insane. I have no idea how you could hold up to that power. The guy in Jay’s video does a super short acceleration and it absolutely rockets.

Very nice, thank you… 2 x AAA batteries inside the wand remote ? Really ? Why not a rechargeable lion ?

Oh god, don’t open that conversation up again haha. It was a mess.

Trampa have their reasons and I personally like the idea of replaceable batteries, it’s preference and this is theirs.


They also have more on Facebook somewhere

No, there’s a massive repository for some really classy shots taken there.

Just mentioned you in a comment on the Facebook album

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Normally, replaceables are chosen when the consumption is a problem… But with remotes, its almost a daytime long, am I wrong ? Do you guys have some link where they explain their reason ? Or how can I find it ?

If I remember correctly they are claiming around 60 hours per set of batteries which should last quite a while of riding.

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Yeah, they will go for months and months. The wand has very low consumption.

It’s not about consumption, it’s about many other things, just off the top of my head I can think of a few:

Shipping worldwide without a battery is significantly easier, manufacturing in huge batches without worrying about shelf life, when you do run out you can just pop a new battery in and go straight away, no charge time if you’re out riding. No worries about inexperienced people using incorrect chargers or mistreating the battery, no worries about puffing when you accidentally chuck it against a wall with small lipos (which is the norm for these remotes). No worries about ruining your remote or having to get the iron out because you wear out your charge port.

I’m sure there are loads more reasons. Trampa want this remote to outlast boards, it’s being built like a brick shit house, replaceable batteries is logical really.

Check out fatdaddy on Facebook you can find and download those pictures.

They have 186 pictures in the album. I can ask Nelson if he is willing to place everything he has on the google drive.


Got it. Cheers guys.

It’s a friend who owns the 2wd/1 motor and the vanguard with scooters hub, the main point of this build is the battery, it has a 12s6p made by compression, he takes a really long time to design it, now he says me it’s the best way to make safe and super flex batteries, this pack doesn’t have any welding point, only to join the P packs and for the balance cables.Btw he rewind these scooter hubs because stock they weren’t powerful at all, like 35kmh top.speed, and now he’s got an impressive 65kmh speed, with a massive torque after 10kmh, during the group ride in Auvers, only the Bioboards guys followed
him :sweat_smile:


What a great write up!
Makes me a bit more sad, that I wasn´t there…
Really nice builds.
I always wanted to see the @Duffman quad in person :sweat_smile: if i just would have know that before…


Welcome, nono_fr! Bumped you to same status as Builder’s Forum…

Hey, thanks for posting the extra info! That’s really interesting. Had he done a build thread anywhere for the battery pack?

Looks epic. Definitely coming next year