Ownboard Zeus Discussion

im having trouble finding anyone who esk8 in Hong Kong, let alone someone who would have the zeus :joy:


I finally had a chance to do a long ride on my Zeus yesterday if anyone is interested. Factors:
205 lbs
80-90 degrees F (heat wave in SoCal!)
Some headwind for a few miles but mostly no wind
1300ft increase in elevation along the route with 700ft of decrease for net of 600ft increase.
Google maps said 25 mile distance and remote said 28.5 miles. I thought I sent the wheel size and gear ratio correctly on the remote but maybe I didn’t or maybe it’s just within the range of error.
I was running the 97mm stock wheels on 44T (max torque setup with included parts).
I went fast bc I was running late. I’m a noob and wasn’t thinking and was full throttle 90-95% of the way in turbo mode for the first 8-10 miles. On this setup I’ve noticed the same top speed on mode 3 and turbo (30-31mph on remote) so maybe if I ran the whole way on mode 3 it would have been more efficient without taking longer to get there. Anyway, I switched to mode 3 after 10 miles and went the rest of the way on mode 3. By the end the remote had me at about 9mph and slight hills were a problem. I probably could have squeezed a couple more miles out of it, and probably quite a few more miles if I rode differently.

Questions: using the 97mm urethane or 120 clouds, and using either 40t or 44t, what’s the setup that maximizes range? I might try to make that commute again and would like to do it on cloud wheels for comfort, but wondering if I could make it there.


It’s because they are the same. The only difference is acceleration.

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Good to know!

44T and 97mm wheels.

But interesting to read that this setup is in real life actually slower than the Hurricane and I’m quite positiv that it has a slower acceleration as well.

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Was the hurricane speed tested with this setup? Thought it came with 90mm (which would make it more impressive if hitting 31mph with 44t). Also keep in mind I’m 205-210 lbs. but yeah I’m sure hurricane would beat Zeus in acceleration on any reasonable setup.
When I was on clouds I hit 35mph easy with 44t so pretty sure 37 wouldn’t be a problem with 40t.

I believe the hurricane comes with 32t pulleys for the 90mm wheels.



90mm wheels with 44t pulley, u will need perfect road to ride, ground clearance is very little


Interesting, if I were to use 90mm wheels I’d probably choose 36T

Hey all, new to the community. Just found this thread while going down the Zeus vs Hurricane rabbit hole. Since I’m an indecisive bastard, I’m seriously considering buying both boards since they’re heavily discounted right now and would allow me the opportunity to ride each one and see which I like better. Probably a dumb idea, but I dunno if I could handle the nagging buyer’s remorse that I made a ‘wrong’ decision (even though there doesn’t really seem to be one).

Anyway, appreciate all the info everybody is sharing on this topic. I’m retiring my Boosted v2 plus, so this should be a pretty decent upgrade regardless. Cheers from CO.


Not the worst decision! Though then I ask…what kind of monster could he afford if he bought one board for $2800 instead of two for $1400???

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Get either this or the Hurri. Either way you’ll probably be longing for the other. Zeus has nicer tracks, but Hurri is longer. If you don’t need the wider stance, the Zeus will probably suit you fine.

The setup does not matter because of the probably different KV. You just ne to match the top speed and use the same type of wheels. And I think that even the Hurricane is geared slightly higher it would have a better acceleration due to the better battery.

This is the only smart decision you can take if you want to figure out which is best for you. You can still sell one after the BF deal and get most of your money back.

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Ok, let’s see. For 2800 he could get a Hadean. But wait, both of those cheaper boards are better than the Hadean :joy:


Zeus is coming out with a higher power esc soon.

If you want DKP and power…get the Meepo.

if range and stability is want you want, get the Zeus.

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Oh believe me, many possible options have been considered. Pretty sure I know about every production model in existence after going down the rabbit hole the past few weeks, but ultimately I am only going to keep one and sell the other.

I wanted to stay under 2k for this upgrade and will reassess when I’m ready to add another toy to the box. Propel Endeavor Pros are sold out right now, and I’m DEF not ready to rationalize spending 3500+ on a La Croix or messing w/ DIY builds just yet so this feels like the right move for the moment.

Yeahhhh, so I’ve heard. Just sent them a message to see what the story is on that timeframe and if current owners will be able to upgrade (hopefully at a discount), like Meepo did for Hurricane owners. It’s not a deal killer for me to save coin on the Black Friday purchase right now regardless

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Please let us know what they say about current owners option to upgrade! Thanks

Anyone know if we “downgrade” the 6374 motors to 6354/6368 smaller sized motors, would it increase or decrease the efficiency? Since I’m in SoCal, there aren’t too many crazy SF type hills from where I ride so I’d rather have even longer range than anything else. TIA!