This is how I see it.
This all started in Lazzy’s thread where he was selling his armored hoodies. If it had been a quality complaint or a suggestions that something unscrupulous was going on , then OK. But…it wasn’t. It was about price. I’m the first to call somebody out if I think they are gouging, I’ve been harassed, needled, challenged to a fuckin dual FFS!. That is typically only on ideas though.
It was bad form and disrespectful to come into someones sale thread and point people to a cheaper option, even if you think its just as good. If it needs to be said, say it in another thread, there’s plenty of deals and wanted threads on here.
Do I think it was worth all this crying and bitching? No! It’s done and over. Bringing up past issues and making all look like the same thing is not cool, it’s 2 separate issues. The common denominator here is a person, not the product that we are talking about, which means they are not common.
So, in closing…