OSRR - A High Performance Open Source Racing Remote for ESK8 - [LEGACY}

Signed up and pumped for this project!!
That said @DerelictRobot, I live in a frozen wasteland and wouldn’t plan on using this during the winter months. If this gets held up to like this fall, feel free to kick me off the beta tester part. I’ll sign up for the first run.
Looking forward to this. Love that puck design!


Brian, your needs are heard loud and clear.

… ESK8 Fascist.


I had a few delays because my day job just catapulted me at a big problem overseas, but I intend on getting prototypes out within the next 1-2 months barring any major setbacks. Summer is my goal for a full production run.


This is a dumb question but are all the remotes going to have speed modes? If so, how many?

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  1. I kid. These are all programmatic, so the eeprom is the limit.

“Speed” profiles on cheap remotes are basically just cutting your PWM range, which in turn reduces your duty cycle range, which in turn is the exact wrong way to go about it.

The design intention here is to have different profile loadouts that can be switched between that actually set your motor/battery amps settings, much like you can do from the mobile VESC Tool or Metr Pro app.

But realistically I want to keep this simple/intuitive so it’ll likely be like 6 profiles per board. If we really need more it’s not that difficult to do.

I have a long-term colleague from my prior Robotics company that is doing the heavy lifting on the application level interface.


This is something I will definitely be doing, the hardware will support it but it’ll come later as an advanced feature. Aforementioned colleague has worked on UAV and underwater robot telemetry, so I promise we’re in good hands with her at that wheel. :wink:

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Just seen your tag :rofl:


Are 6 modes necessary? Of course nothing wrong with overkill, but “fast”, “girlfriend”, and “police/beginner” modes should be enough :smiley:



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Brian I love you bud, but I’m not designing this to meet your standards. I’m designing it to meet mine. Thanks @MoeStooge for that one.

If you don’t want 6 modes, don’t use all 6. :slight_smile:

The number is arbitrary.


Is police mode fast or slow :thinking::joy::joy::joy:


It’s slow LoL.

Super-slow for those places where board top speeds are limited.


Police and 4 stars should be fast as hell :slight_smile:

I actually agree with @b264 here, a way to activate a horn is a good safety feature for people who commute.

But I don’t see much use for it when racing, unless you want to use it to drop a bunch of ball bearings behind you. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I am mostly interested in this as an ultra reliable remote that will improve safety and be dependable for commuting in heavy rain.


Any updates?


Coming along. :slight_smile:

Have parts in to build the first 10 beta units. Was waiting on the Milspec Thumbwheels until today.


I’m so hyped about this :grinning:


@DerelictRobot What is the price point you are looking at I know in the op you had said 200-250


You know what to do don’t you?

Design a 3d printed enclosure in the shape of a slide puck (not thick like the Hoyt puck) so we could velcro it to a slide glove.

It would not be used as an actual slide puck but in the case of a fall, all we will have to do is print a new case.


This has come up a few times and I’m definitely interested in exploring it. I think it would have to be a fully potted variant with no LCD to make it really robust. Then again I’m not entirely sold that subjecting critical electronics to regular impact is the best solution, it could be moved to the back of the hand with a hook trigger of sorts. Lots of options and the modular design makes a lot possible.

@Briman I’m building up the first 10 beta units by hand- intention is to build them one by one, and have all shipped by end of May. The beta units come with a full development kit (USB firmware programmer, Xbee programmer, etc) and are priced at $225 + Shipping. There will be one additional beta round of approx 20 units before moving into production.

Full details on the first beta batch of 10 OSRR units below:

Nano or Puck style only, going to try to get the Trigger style rolled into next round.

These are shipping as a full development kit, pre-assembled except for those that would like to print their own case.

Included in the beta kit is one Remote & one Receiver + development tools to update firmware:

1x Milspec Hall Effect Thumbwheel

Grip Enclosure (Nano or Puck)

2x Xbee Series 3 802.15.4 Radio Modules

1x IOD-09 0.9" LCD ESP8266 MCU Modules

1x IOD-09 USB Programmer (for firmware updates)

1x Xbee Receiver

1x 3.7v 700mAh Lithium Battery

1x 1000ma PowerBoost/Charger Circuit.

Bonus XXL Dong:

To set expectations- rev1 beta firmware is barebones. Speedometer, battery level, amps on LCD, but I have this tested and working well so far. Radios come encrypted/pre-paired to one another. Firmware updates are currently done through a separate USB programmer (this actually keeps things simpler/safer, I’ll expand on this later), but the intention here is that you’ll eventually have a simple app interface to make config changes and won’t need to update the firmware often.

Anyone getting in on the early beta will be given a chance to upgrade the main controller PCB to the final version. All the expensive components like the LCD & Radio modules can be rolled up into the new version (they’re socketed for easy maintenance/upgrades). I’ll be offering these upgrades free to beta members so long as you can help out with shipping.

Pricing -subject to change-

Retail $250 w/ standard FDM Nylon Case

$300 w/ Professional printed Nylon SLS Case

Beta OSRR Kit $225 + Shipping w/ standard FDM Nylon Case.

For transparency sake- My BOM cost on these beta units is about $190 currently, so with shipping & paypal fees I’m about breaking even on the beta units. My reasoning here is that these are not what I’d consider a finished product, so I don’t want to take a profit on them in beta.

I’ve got about 6/10 of this first batch up for grabs, first come first serve. Shipping time is approximately 1 month from now, I’m shooting for all 10 units finished and shipped by the end of May.

Please make sure you’ve filled out the Google Forms Beta Signup, but if you’re interested in one of these first batch beta units, please PM me for my Paypal Address. $225 USD to secure your remote.

Shipping will be collected when each remote is ready to ship, I will be building & shipping these out on first come first serve basis.