I know, but now I’m trying to get you to buy an OSRR
Im trying to buy one also but,
Cash aint something I have right now.
I’m going to insist every beta tester poses like this upon receiving their ‘units’
Haha, how does that work for the puck? Vagina pose? I’m in
You need two pucks, one on each side, and the OSRR in the middle. That’s the total “package”.
That is thee best and only use of the I have seen to date!
I suppose you could use it to describe your activities after eating Chocolate pebbles?
Well, I’ve learned a LOT from you guys.
Such great work @DerelictRobot. Guys, when they are available to all - jump on it, no matter the high price. 1000% worth every penny. It’s nothing less than remarkable. For high power boards, the precision of the thumb remote is mind blowing. The version he had was a tad large for my hands but he was already working on smaller enclosures for them. Oh, and be patient. If you had any idea of the number of questions @DerelictRobot asks himself during the development to make sure they are reliable and are the safest possible, you’d be mind blown. He can explain better than I, but one tiny example is the remote’s default is on to reduce the risk of it shutting off on you to a bare minimum. Can’t wait to put them on my personal boards. An engineering marvel.
The thing is just exactly what we need and will be a success.
This is what happens when you model a remote off the Hulk’s palm…
Oh if Hulk eboarded 42mph+ boards, this would be his remote. 100%
“bita” tester?
For the record I’m 100% okay with this thread being 80% dick jokes and 20% development discussion. Carry on.
@Arch thanks for the kind words! I was really excited to hand it off for feedback this week. Your and @longhairedboy’s reactions were definitely affirming.
PS: I’ve ended up making some additional PCBs and have more thumbwheels in stock, so I’ll be sending out an email to the beta list offering up a few more remotes, shipping mid July. That’ll conclude round 1 beta, with a second round shortly after. Unfortunately I have way more people signed up than I can build for, and I’m trying to pace release as I want to be safe and diligent.
Nazare HMP/HHG shocker? Get a room boys, a premium room
My lady poked me in the butt with this remote yesterday and couldn’t stop laughing and said, “It’s your turn now…” I love this remote.
I’ve been putting a ton of miles on mine and it works perfect so far even after two pretty good crashes.
Tell my girl not to buy the fancy chocolate at the grocery store because we’re on a budget. 200 for a dongle remote