"Nothing Fancy", A Tito Duality truck build

Say I wanted to grab these trucks for a Kaly deck, do you think they’d be too maneuverable? Lack of stability as they’d be too responsive?

Maybe? Probably not though. It’ll be interesting how they feel on a flexy Kaly deck.

Also, like channel trucks, they respond super well to wedging. I think Tito has been including a couple sizes of wedge plates with each order (and I’m sure he’ll include extra if you ask). With a little bit of tinkering I’m sure you could get the feeling that you’re looking for.

I think they would work well on a Kaly. If you find the stock setup to responsive I’m sure we can figure out a bushing setup that works better for you. Worth noting Tucker has 84/93 chubby bushing split while lately I’ve been including 87/93 split.

I include 5 degree wedges. Would recommend 30/15 or 35/15 degree split.
(rear baseplate is -15)

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Ah I didn’t realize the rear baseplate had angle, thought it was symmetrical. Makes much more sense.

Yeah makes big difference in stability

Electrify expo Long Beach, here I come :muscle: :muscle:


Uh oh

Different board but here is some drone footage of @tuckjohn on one of test boards with a lonestar deck


Speaking of, got the D100s installed last night.
Nothing Fancy is rideable again :fire:

Going to sd i2s track night tonight, Full update when I can (likely tmr)


We should get some comparison footage between our boards


@Evwan and I are gonna crash this party


@tuckjohn @ShutterShock


An update;

Took the time to put some balancing weights on my tires. Probably messed it up though because my tubes are slimed.

New D100s arrived! Thanks @YUTW123 for sending a replacement after my last one exploded.

Internal Inspection

I took my new unit apart(careful to not destroy the thermal pads) to inspect for bad solder joints. Didn’t see any.

First step to install was to finish cleaning out the enclosure.

The nearest p-group took the firey blast to the face. It looks bad, but I think it’s fine, I hope? Looks like mostly burnt fish paper and kapton tape.

I’m eager to ride the board so I just scraped off the easy stuff and put a few layers of Kapton overtop. I should probably pull this all apart and re-apply the fish paper at some point.

I cleaned out most of the cancer dust that I could, but a lot of it was stuck on the rough carbon fiber. I did find a random ball of solder from the last vesc that was bouncing around :rofl:

Controller goes in, didn’t even need to solder anything. That’s a first.

Programming went smoothly. pretty conservative settings right now;
5.02 firmware, FOC Hall sensors.
90/-60 motor amps
100/-50 batt amps
300 abs max, slow abs_max off.

I’ve got a USB A extension cable running across the room from my desktop to my workbench, which makes doing vesc configurations super quick.

It’s tight inside, there’s just enough space.

Good news, she lives!

Wouldn’t be a board I built without scraping issues lmao.

Feels so good to ride! Sorry, no videos :frowning:
Too bad, have a cat picture.

We aren’t done yet, though. there’s still some things to fix-

  • Properly mount things in/on the enclosure. The Power button is taped to the top and the charge port is zip tied to the outside (and drags on the ground when turning)
  • Neptune BMS config (I bought a super cheap android for this). Mount the BMS switch somewhere accessible, if needed?
  • Fix the scraping issue? add a few truck spacers.
  • Add fuse to charge port

If I feel like it, I might add Minnie/Megan? The software ecosystem they’ve got going on right now is pretty neat, and I love it on Ankle Wreacher.

Two nights of track nights later;
This board is a BLAST. Feels soo good to ride, it’s so “throwable” around track. I’m definitely going to need to experiment with bushings on Ankle Wreacher to get closer to this feel.

Track efficiency isn’t too bad, I average around 50~65Wh/mi.

Tuesday night, did some racing with @ShutterShock (and the rest of the SD crew). @ShutterShock has a very similar setup on a nazare deck, but also basically everything is the opposite of mine. Feels like a entirely different board.

Wednesday night, I did probably 5 miles of track racing on Nothing Fancy before we got kicked out of our lot. We pivoted to a short group ride to get some food. Nothing Fancy’s first!

Really wish I had a Megan on the front, that purchase really might be in my future. The road was rough, and the board really wanted to “walk” on me. Not wobbles, but something different. Might need to tighten up the bushings a bit? Air down the tires? Didn’t get a chance to experiment…

About a mile in, I felt my rear tire get a bit weird, almost like a flat tire. I looked back, and it still looked fully inflated? Must’ve been the road.
~20 seconds later, I heard the sound of an unrestricted motor spinning up. I look to Brent next to me, thinking he just spun a belt. Took me a good 10 seconds to realize it was my board?! What?How? Spun a pinion? It’s key’d… Did I strip my steel gears? I slowly come to a stop, and immediately see the issue.

A wheel nut and bearing were just… gone? The motor spinning was from the hub sliding off the axle :grimacing:
Thank goodness for tight tolerances on the axle and hub that kept the remaining bearing hanging on for so long. Could’ve been way worse- I probably rode 200ft with no wheel nut and only the single bearing! I’m hella lucky.

I was fortunate to be riding with such a cool group of people, who immediately started searching the whole area for my lost bearing and wheel nut. Couldn’t find either part though, unfortunately. Probably was another 150ft further down the road and bounced into somebody’s lawn :rofl:

Getting back home, the likely issue is obvious in hindsight.

The axle just barely doesn’t engage the locknut. :pensive:
Very odd that it took 20 miles of riding to be an issue, but whatever. It be what it be. Loctight it is.

I have a replacement M12 wheelnut on hand, so I’m just waiting on a replacement 12x28x8mm bearing. My board is going to have nice Apex bearings with one black sheep amazon bearing :upside_down_face:

So eagar to be riding this board again. Amazon shipping can’t be fast enough.

Edit: Link to next major update



Thread is 7/16-20 fyi

Wait, what?? It’s not metric? I’ve been using the wrong nuts? Damn. Looks like I need to stop at an ace hardware

Non metric, same thread as MBS
(7/16 nuts are smaller which is a tell)

I have the same issue on Mistfall. I dont want to loctite my axle nuts, so I just flip them around and thread them on nylon-first. Not ideal, but it has worked for over a thousand miles :man_shrugging:


What’s your technique to put them on without cross threading?

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Cross threading is nature’s free loctite :ok_hand:t2:


Yeah that :point_up:

But also, if you thread the nut on all the way (like, without the wheel on so it can thread on all the way) then the axle will cut threads into the nylon, and then you can thread the nut on backwards easier.