Noob question thread! 2020_Summer


So I tried to put on my motor mount and pulleys today, but it doesn’t go that easily… I noticted some wobble at my wheel pulley. As you can see in the video down below. Would this be problematic?

If you have a bolt-on wheel pulley, then you haven’t centered it correctly and should try mounting it again. (It’s hard to get it straight, which is why most people now use pulleys with bearings in them)


Thx for your response. I used the bolts to assemble it, because I tought it would be better. But i also got 2 bearings in the package.

If you have a standard sized truck axle, there won’t be room for the bearings. Those look like paris trucks I believe, so you have to use the bolts unfortunately. Maybe you can use the bearing to align it perfectly before you use the bolts though :smiley:


Where did I go wrong? No board battery reading, no speed reading, odometer stays stuck…

I have dual focbox conntected via canbus and single ppm. During ride one vesc (slave) disconected at xt60 plug cause of vibrations I guess. Afrer reconnect only one motor spins.

Any ideas of propably fault? CANBUS fried?

im in field now tryin to comeback home with one motor :face_with_head_bandage:

What fw u using? Did u change the setting inside the vx2?

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Tenka is at 5.2 and vx2 is stock? Changed all settings in vx2 settings.

U have set vx2 to connect vesc as fsesc right? Did u correct the Baud to 115200 in vesc tool?

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No and no, it’s set to Focbox in the vx2 and this is the first time hearing about Baud…

iirc, the focbox setting only works with the 23.46fw or lower, once u r on 5+, u use the fsesc setting. try that first


I have some cheap trucks. You are right that they look like paris trucks, the moter mount is for paris trucks indeed. Do you have a discription (link) about how to use these bearings, because i even dont know how to assemble :sweat_smile:

Worked like a charm. Thanks, now I have to deal with the remote reading about half of it’s projected top speed…


change the gear ratio in the remote setting


I owe you an adult beverage sir.


all good dude, we help out each other in this small community :wink:


I’m wondering what the hell is happening with my wowgo 3x. Most of the time it works but sometimes the remote mph starts to float and some kind of message pops up for a fraction of a second. Also I noticed that the motors have started to stutter or not spin at all before giving it a push. This is all done with no load. Haven’t ridden it yet and because of my military service I’m not home at the moment to test it:/ I’d like to know what’s at fault for this:(

The stuttering and not spinning until pushed sounds like bad sensors I think, and that might explain the speed misreads as well? Not very sure of that at all though, so maybe someone else can help.

Off topic but: The name and military service sounds Finnish, or am I way off?

hey guys! im trying to build my first board. I ordered the dual mech motor kit from diyelectricskateboards and have the 110mm wheels from them. I am trying to install the kegel adapter but the screws are so difficult to get in and I think I have started to strip them. I am having to use a vicegrip around the top of it to get them to go in so wanted to post here to make sure i am not messing anything up. heres some pictures.

You hit the nail in the head, all I can say is that it sucks here, we have 2h of freetime and 7h of sleep:(

Sensors might be the reason now that I think about it, true:/

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