Oh, idk if you saw my previous post. I gave you some new measurement for it and an image for the configure you thought of, I believe it will work with that configuration (removes the extra height)
ok so wider but thinner
Might not necessarily be wider because the last configuration I asked you for asked for an extension on both sides of the battery, but as that’s not necessary anymore, idk… the width for the battery with the cabling would be 19.5 CM instead
The plasti dip of the second image seems to be not suited for electronics. Plasti dip is what it’s name suggest. A plastic replacer.
You can use it to cover your Lenovo ThinkPads top if it has scratches.
It’s fluid that will dry to a skin… Just like a beauty mask but with real usage.
I don’t really think the second one is for electronics
Definition of plastidip: Plasti Dip is a multi- purpose , air dry, specialty rubber coating. It can be easily applied by dipping , brushing or spraying. It provides a comfortable, controlled grip that resists moisture, acids, abrasion, corrosion, skidding and slipping.
so at the very end it’s 1.3 CM, and 0.4 CM at 2/3 (from end to center). The board has a dimple in the middle so it’s not completely flat in the center
if these values sound odd to you, tell me and I’ll do a double check
Yes, you’re bottlenecked to 50A. So your battery, saying you will get no upgrades any time, should be 50A. However, 50A will already give you a lot of power. I would really think about getting dual motors, so that your motor is not given 50A… Although it might be rated for 60A… You never know and no one gives you warranty on these values
Of course you could have a 60A pack, and just limit it to 50A by software. Or you just take any amount smaller than 50A.
So at this point, you can choose any battery, but only are able to use 50A or the value of the battery max amps of its below 50A. It’s up to you, your budget, and your future plans (maybe dual motor?)
Please note that 12S @50A is theoretically doable with 4.12 VESCs, but in reality, these are only marketing values… It’s good to stay below that
do you think the dimple in the middle will be a problem, how much is it?
I did a similar thing with just printing some guesses at the curvature after measuring with calipers and worked out alright more recently got this thing that might help with figuring out more accurate curves but still think test 2D print and cut out of CAD then slices of the 3D model printed for test fitting is probably the best way.
the problem is it’s not for me so i can’t test it
Nah, it’s a very shallow dimple, like 1 MM. Not sure how it could cause an issue
not a problem, are you putting foam under it?
haven’t thought about it. Should I?
to keep dust and some water out
where it touches the deck
you can safely charge your lipos at 1c.
20,000mAh = 20Ah = 20 amps
I mean I guess, don’t think it’s too much trouble to do.
so where was that 0.4?
last circle
Ok I will get a flipsky esc, but wouldn’t it be better to have someone build one, or no?
Does it matter for what esc?