23 August 2025
RC ESCs usually don’t have the desired esk8 control characteristics.
that is correct sir .
however d-shot is the most configurable protocol ever .
more that 2 fucktons of options are available .
make it work… then come back and demonstrate… we await your science…
hi, similar budget to what i paid for the v4 neoboxes ($80 per ecs) , but I do expect to pay a bit more because they were so cheap to begin with. Im running the new 170kv flipsky 6374’s from anubis’s GB with 12s3p 18650 battery. Never heard of stormcores or daily skive. ill look into them. thanks
edit: daily skive the Wanted store…i geddit
i did actually see the lacroix esc thing. i guess everyone is waiting to see when it’ll be released.
ok. might take a while .
@Geo_Engineering_FTW was going to answer you but @kook gave the same answer I would have
I second what he said, exactly that
There are other options but give us more information and we will give you more
seems easy, don’t it… till you have to do it…
I wish you well… I came here from qwads… I know from what you speak… but I feel you’re on a fools errand…
check out the eSmart guys here developing ESCs… I’m not saying you’re not, but are you smarter than the pool of knowledge that is already here…
dshot protocol is only part of the equation… control, adaptability, scale… all that comes to play…
if you make it so… I’ll anoint you with oil as you traverse the path to esk8 stardom…
Does it have regenerative braking? I’ve never seen a drone or quad ESC that did.
Does it have even any braking at all?
How smooth is it? It’s likely to knock you off the skate in 2 seconds flat
maybe I’m out of line here… but you can flip motor rotation in an instant 3d flight, If you can flip a BLDC motor rotation you can effecively make it a generator…
I “feel” he’s familiar with BLheli… and the motor, timing, demag compensation and all the other “benefits” of Blheli but ignoring the fact that a quad esc is pretty dumb… all of the intelligence that really comes from Dshot is basically filtered and controlled from Betaflight or other developing firmware…
the OP is suggesting… I feel… that as a community we’re overlooking an untapped resource… that is Dshot…
me personally… I feel he’s on a fools errand, and he’s only looking at a small piece of the ESC control firmware…
of course, I’m forgetting the awesome capabilities to play start-up music, and some other esoteric benefits that only 1% of the Dshot users actually use…
I’m not playing a fool here, and he has some possibly misguided thoughts of flight control filtering and modifications, and it is fucking extremely possible that our awesome devs making esk8 ESCs possible could perhaps take a look at the filtering, monitoring, control structure, etc. from other applications such as betaflight, raceflight, kiss… they have like a metric fukton of devs werkin on dat shit…
but here I am thinking again… I’m sure the esk8 and VESC devs have their eye on the pulse of control of electrical control… so I just typed all this to waste electrons and space,
Yes, thats often the critical value for electronic ICs. At least it’s the same for CPUs
If you’re worried though you can simply add a small stepper motor driver heatsink like this one I got… (but for me it’s not necessary as it turns out… I personally don’t run into heat issues too, just like Brian). Any active cooling is complete overkill imho
budget would be around $200, don’t need 6.0 version as im making a street build (i think ive got that right…i need 4.0…equivalent/similar to the Unity/ 2 x neobox’s)12s3p 18650 battery and dual 6374 new flipsky motors. im a relative noob, so don’t know further spec info (which was why neoboxes were such a good prospect for noobs - a copy of the tried and tested enertion esc)
even thought of this - Cheap FOCer 2 (Open-source, Low-cost, VESC 6 based ESC) (v0.9 Release. Beta testing ongoing)
I stand corrected on the basis of scientific principle.
Which is the positive on a charging jack
The centre post or the outside posr
Dumd question but ¿¿
It depends, sometimes it’s the middle and sometimes not.
If it’s on a charger you should see an icon on the back.
Like this:
to be sure you should use a multimeter
if you’re putting a female jack on your board and one on a charger you can choose but middle positive is used more often
Maker-x dual is reliable for me so far
good idea. i forgot about this one. thanks
Noob corner