Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

So its just a gamble basically. Could be good or could be crap.

I have a balance charger which will indicate the charge. And I think the VESC can relay battery information if I’m not wrong.

Yeah only 1 VESC

a battery level indicator is just handy to know how much juice you got left when on a ride

Yeah, but doesn’t the vesc relay that information. To like an app or something. My friend had an app which hooked into the vesc and displayed that info. Also allowed to change mode. And enable/disable backwards driving (which is really dangerous)

i think you need a bluetooth module for that

But it has a bluetooth module I thought?

i don’t think the mini fsesc has that built in

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1 long enclosure or 2 smaller ones, one for vesc and one for batteries (boosted board style)
which one would you like more

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I guess one is less work and easier to manipulate. Not sure if it’s any worse than the other option though. Seems like more work with cabling if you have two boxes, no?

It has a BEC module, which I thought was the bluetooth module?

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no it provides 5v,

so I would need a module for the controller too then?

wdym with module for the controller? if you want to use that app yeah

well, it’s a bluetooth remote, right? So it would need to hook into the VESC somehow? I thought that was built in though, given that it’s a VESC

some vescs do but the flipsky ones don’t

so, then I would have to get a bluetooth adapter for the remote too? As well as one for transmitting information about battery etc?

your remote should have a receiver included

Excellent! Then that’s not a worry. The bluetooth module is a nice addition though. But I guess that could be added later, it does not seem vital to get it up and running?

i don’t have one
if you want an upgrade from standard ones you can get the more expensive metr pro, a lot of people use it. it tracks all sorts of stuff

alright, so maybe that’s something I’ll get later on then (if the board works)

They are if you have reasonable expectations. So if good=reliable, then yes. I could pull my OG Meepo hubs off the shelf and ride them for another year.

You won’t have a lot of comfort or speed, but they’re definitely reliable and capable if you don’t run them at high amps.

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