Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

been using the metric system for as long as i can remember, there is no way i would know what the imperial standard is :man_shrugging:t2:

yep, that’s fine. just saying you should know there are multiple metric thread pitches.

FUB almost never makes sense.

Metric has fine threads too, if needed.

Yes, that.

Freedom Units Bullshit, Imperial System, or Avoirdupois, whichever you prefer.

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This gap from the convex bit of my board concerns me.
There’s a rubber gasket in there but it’s not squinched down very tight here. I can easily slip cardstock under it.
I feel like if I ran over a puddle water could get sprayed in that slot and under the gasket.
Worried about nothing?
I have shoegoo and glue gun here so I could squish either of those in there.
Unless there’s a better option?
I’ve used marine silicone to waterproof where solar panel wires run into my van so I could go to the marine shop and get more of that but maybe I’m overthinking it.

Also I kinda wanna Dremel off those long screws any reason not to? I don’t see myself adding risers.

You’re not worried about nothing, I’ve killed countless skates that exact way.

Put butyl tape there.


Ok cool I’ll order some. I’ll put some shoegoo in there for today and then do the butyl tape thing when it comes in and I’ve got the enclosure off.

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I have a MBS COMP 95 deck (present of a friend). I bought the Chinese trucks and wheels but they suck.

The Chinese wheels wobbles and the pulleys aren’t centered


Do it. I have done it countless times.


Thank you for the reactions of my quenstion last day. When I searched on this forum I red that bypassing your BMS is the best option. I also saw the diagram of b264 which would let the light turn off when there are problems with the battery. So i tought it would be a good option putting the light on the p- of the bms. I re-made my wiring diagram, so the problems with loopkey and light/battery meter are over. Can someone look at it again please? :slight_smile:


Im looking for a bms that i can use with 2 lipo’s in series, but I can’t find a bms that states “for lipos” i was looking at the daly bms’s and there are only ones for liion and lifepo4 batterys, can i use one of those bms’s or do I need to look for another brand?

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Yes, this looks great. The wire to the BMS B- port and the wires to the charge port can be small size in this circuit.

I personally would use 20AWG and 12AWG for the two sizes.

Also, there are three large wires running to the motor.


I had the same issue and after doing some research I’m pretty sure you can use the ones that are for liion because a 12s liion is about the same voltage as a 12s lipo. The lipo is capable of much higher Amps but I don’t think that really makes a difference in charging.



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This is much better. Kudos.

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Go for it. Just make sure to chamfer/deburr the cut ends, otherwise they’re sharp AF and will open your finger right up if you’re not careful.


Would I benefit from getting an external heat sink for my BKB Xenith? I’m currently building a skateboard with the haggy drivetrain and a 12s4p 21700 battery. Am I going to be able to get the full performance out of my setup without an external heat sink?

Technically, No.

But in Boston you’ll probably be able to get “excellent” performance out of your setup without an external heat sink. Just not “extremely excellent”.

Also it depends how you ride. If you want to smash through your charge at full speed then you probably want the heatsink. If full speed will be reached about as often as you reach full speed in your car, then you’ll be fine without it.


Thank you!!