Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

No, that’s a real old version. I don’t think the new wizards even offer BLDC as an option.

For BLDC motor detection, just do it manually.

tap 1, then 2 and read everything there

The defaults may work fine for a little 5045 or something. I usually increase 3, 4, 5 to something like this for a 6380 size motor:

I: 12A
ω: 250 erpm
D: 0.12  (12% duty cycle)

That’s a BLDC motor detection

Then write the values… don’t forget that…


Slightly not related, but why am I warned not to use FOC on a vesc4 without cooling? I’ve just been curious and its been bugging me.

Where is this warning?

I’ve never heard of that. If this was a warning thing, it’s probably normal since vesc 4 wasn’t really that strong and had possibly heated up faster? Since FOC does make things run hotter.

But I never heard of this warning at all.

forgot to add it was about using both 12s and FOC on a vesc with no cooling.

Pretty sure this is why

The question was about naming the location of the warning, not what the warning was for or why.

I originally asked why people were refraining from using anything above 10s with a vesc4, to which I was told that the vesc would get fried, but when I asked the people who actually used 12s on a vesc4, they said to just avoid FOC while doing it and I’ll likely be fine. The warning was from people on this forum

Probably from an old forum or something because I’ve only seen it from there.

im one of those who refuse to use more than 10s liion on v4, but that’s just me being paranoid because of voltage spike, “theoretically” its safe until 12s for liion

i don’t think i’ve seen anyone purposely use bldc mode with 12s on v4, maybe back when foc was still in development then yea its possible, but those days are gone already :joy:


Thanks man!

Thanks legend!

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this is awesome, thank you!!
Do you remember what angle baseplate you used?

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I followed your steps and tried to play with the parameters a little bit…
I must be dumb but I really don’t feel much difference switching from defaults to
200 erpm
0.08 D
I have two Maytech 6365 motors powered by a 10s4p and based on your example parameters for a 6380 I switched mine.
I don’t understand if motors in detection should reach their limits or they just have to run smoothly, my motors seem to work fine with defaults and with the parameters written above.
Do you have any recommendation for 6365?

I am assuming it was a 50 degree.

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Still having the crackling sound issue. Also happens on my mtb

Neobox v6
fw 5.01 no limit

Settings are pretty much stock apart from fault time and duty cycle current limit start.

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I have not ran into that issue yet.

Is there a compendium of good decks to use for building like how there is for pneumatics? There are always some I’ve never seen before on there and usually there’s no name listed

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Upping those numbers is to get a successful detection. If you use the defaults, it will likely error out on a large motor. It’s not going to increase performance. Once you detect the Cycle Integrator Limit and BEMF Coupling numbers, that’s all you need for BLDC mode. Those are the two numbers you’re after and they’ll be specific to your motor.

FOC mode is completely different, has more numbers, and has a wizard.

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It’s personal preference really. They are most useful on mountainboards, but some people put them on regular boards as well so they can jump without a kicktail and lean more.