Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

I haven’t tested it as thoroughly. I suspect so.


Right, but you also keep your esk8s fully charged at all times, which is also not advisable.

I ride my stuff just under what it’s rated for, because I paid for that level of performance.


Yep, because otherwise they’re merely toys :rofl::rofl:

I pay for that privilege by babying the battery in other ways.

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Anyone know the wedge/dewedge angles of a LY Evo 40”? I know it’s either 15° or 10° but not sure which

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I thought only the super old ones were 15 degrees, but maybe someone else has more information


5 of my p groups will not charge over 3.9V. I’ve discharged/charged them several times. Should I discontinue the use of this pack?

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Yeah, probably time for a new one. Hit me up for a quote :kissing_heart:

Shilling aside, you probably have at least one dead cell in the p-groups, which drag down the other cells. Probably not good to keep using.


Thx, I’ll bin this one. I’m surprised it lasted this long. I may take you up on that offer. :grin:


How old is it? Mileage? And who built it? I mean no offense, but i feel like I see you posting battery issues like this a lot?


The battery is by Psychotiller. It failed within two weeks. He repaired it, after a month, it failed again. I then sent it to Hyperion for repairs. It stopped charging two weeks later. I sent it back to Hyperion he returned it without repairs. I finally sent it to Chibattery systems and was able to get a year out of it with 10+ miles every day. I was happy with Bara’s repairs. The battery is about two years old now. I’m not sure about the mileage.


Yeah, I think it’s time to stop putting money into that one. Good thing it lasted that long!


Man…you are way overdue on a battery made by a duck with a reputation to holster the job


I agree. I’m think of going with the p42a cells this time around.


Are there any Hummie builds using Matrix 2 trucks? (I did search but couldn’t find any…perhaps some seasoned members can recall one)

hahaha cool, this was exactly what I was looking for. :raised_hands:


Haven’t seen one. It would look like caca with 35 degree risers. Needs etoxx adj baseplates.


is this an english word?never seen it used in the english language before :poop:

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This is a borrowed French word :rofl:

:rofl: (but you already know that)

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do the majority of English speakers know it? I never paid attention since I’m bilingual

kaka means the same just in Hungarian. Never wondered where that word comes from but now I have an idea :poop: :smiley:

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