Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Hi, my slave vesc isn’t being picked up. I have 2 vesc 4.12 and the slave worked for a few minutes and when I disconnected it and hocked it up again and it wasn’t working anymore.

So if I got two 10s3p packs and one of em has a bad group right. And I take that shit apart to make a 9s6p. Works out ok or I’m fuckin dumb?

It depends. Were both packs run in parallel their entire life?

  • yes: You have 57 good cells which means you can make a 10S5P or 9S6P or 19S3P or 3S19P or 11S5P
  • no: You have 30 + 27 good cells which means you can make a 10S3P and a 9S3P, a 10S3P and a 12s2p, OR a 9S6P with exactly 3 cells from battery A and 3 cells from battery B in every single P-pack.

Yeah a lil homework kinda fixed me up abt that idea. Good ideas tho, I’m gonna probably go for the 3s19p as that sounds pretty bizarre

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Hi all, Is this list of components compatible with each other? I’ve not done a belt driven build before. Works out cheaper selecting individual parts than going with the kit which is strange??
I’m mostly worried if the 6380 motor is too big for 180mm trucks. Going with 90mm wheels too.

yes I do but thanks a lot for the offer.
I’ve just removed the plug and I’m going to solder the wires on the vesc

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Okay sound good :slight_smile:

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what should the internal resistance be in a p group (6p)?

I’ve got 2 escs (torque6’s) I am going to connect via can. If I want to be able to update settings remotely, will I need two bluetooth dongles? one for each esc? Also I want to add some sort of telemetry (metr, freesk8), can these peripherals serve the purpose of updating vesc settings too? I looked over some of the documentation for these things, but couldn’t find an clear answer either way. Maybe I just need to read closer :sweat_smile:

just need 1 dong if u have both TB6 connected via CAN, and i know metr works just like a normal dong that u can program the TB6 via vesctool with bluetooth connected, there is no reason FreeSK8 Robogotchi wouldn’t work the same.

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Two part question:

  1. I have a single motor running a VESC on 4.12. If I get a Bluetooth Dongle can I use the Xmatic app on iPhone to change motor settings?

  2. I have a Unity running FW 23.46. Can the Xmatic app write motor settings? If no, if I flash FW 5.1 can it do it then?

If both no, is metr app with metr dongle the only option for an iPhone user.

It’s about equivalent for all of the stuff you get to get the kit.

No those motors will definitely not work on the 180 mm trucks. Especially not with the v7 motor mounts

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Would a single 6380 not fit on 180mm trucks?

Oh you’re right haha

I just assumed double motor automatically because most people don’t do singles anymore on here. Yes, a single one would fit.


I dont know about the xmatic app, but I would say it doesn’t hurt to try (unless it costs money?). However if you are updating firmware, I would recommend just doing it over a wire. You can update both those VESCs with the VESC tool on your computer.

Over the air updates open up a lot of opportunity for errors, and VESC’s like to brick themselves when firmware updates go wrong. Better/safer to just just a cable in my opinion.

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Yeah was also confused

That leads to the question of does dual 6355 (or similiar) give more power then a single 63100 (or a motor double the duals size)?

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4.99 or something close to that unfortunately. @Mawzie the last I checked, the Xmatic app wasn’t able to modify vesc settings, I think it was more of just a monitoring app. I don’t have an iphone though so I can’t go check for you.

Also last I checked (6mo or 9mo ago) the developer hadn’t implemented support for firmware 5xxx yet. I know he was working on it though, so that may have changed.

If you buy an nrf52 bluetooth module, you can interface with the official VESC app, and with that you can write settings on firmware 5xxx.

I personally do small changes in my Metr but for anything major it’s just better to use Vesc Tool on your PC. I don’t think you can update firmware over air at all but I could be wrong

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Well that just comes down to the question of single versus dual. I’d personally take a dual 6355 over a single larger motor any day because I personally hate torque steer and skidding wheels on braking.

The usable torque out a dual drive is much greater in my opinion than a single larger motor. This is especially prevalent on sharp turns to your toe side. I think the only reason for going single right now is a better price. @b264 is the only single praiser that I know off the top of my head

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the dual has twice the thrust for the same motor current.


Just wanting the ability to change motor settings on the fly. Not planning on updating firmware through the app. Having an iPhone makes it difficult cause the normal VESC tool for android isn’t on iPhone.

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