Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Just bought a Cr10 pro v2 and Titan aero kit with Capricorn tubing
What other upgrades are worth doing as I want to do all upgrades now and then be done
Anti backlash nuts?


That doesn’t sound like a balance issue tbh, that sounds like rubbing.



The ratio with a 40km/h max will give you a longer range and feel more powerful.

“slow charge” and “fast charge” ratings are usually indicated by the cell manufacturer as specifications.

In reality, the slower you charge, the easier it is on the cells. If you charge that same pack at 2A its longevity will be extended slightly.

Same for discharge, limiting it to half of whatever the cells are rated at will extend longevity AND range.


Is any one use the food container as battery enclosure?


Do people prefer dual lock or Velcro hook and loop? Trying to figure out what would be good to attach my top mount enclosures to the deck of my mountainboard. Which one’s easier to clean?

I don’t see it as often now and it’s certainly an option, but I’d highly recommend getting or making a fiberglass enclosure in case disaster happens and something manages to puncture the box and your battery

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Hook and loop has more flexibility in its hold (i.e. it doesnt give up all at once). But I have heard that dual lock holds stronger/more rigid.

Yep that seems consistent with my experiences with them. Velcro’s a lot cheaper too, but something just feels odd about having it used in outdoor applications. Seems like it would get dirty easily and hold in that dirt, compared to the plastic teeth of the dual lock. It’s not like I can take it off the board and throw it in the wash either. However, dual lock needs to be completely flat for it to work, otherwise it doesn’t hook in all the way, which may be problematic.

For a while.
Unclipping on bumps was an issue. :joy:



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I ordered the 14s BMS of LLT Power, but the BMS delivered was 13s.
So I modified it as follows.

I added a wire.

Does BMS work in 14s with this fix?

You are both wrong and right. It’s unbalanced and rubbing at 2 separate rpm’s

that is interesting… but why is it so? I mean why charging at 2A if the battery pack can take 4A… and if it can take 4A why is it better still charge it at 2a…?
I thought that there will be no battery life changes if you don’t pass that 4a limit

What epoxy are you guys using for esk8 purposes?

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Any charging shortens the life of the cells. The faster the charging is done the faster the cells age. The “standard” charge rate is just a compromise between convenience and shortening cell life, something “in the middle”.

So, charging at 2A will age the cells and charging at 4A will age them faster. If you decide to go for max cell life you could charge at a very low rate (perhaps 0.5A) but IMO there won’t be much of a difference versus staying at the “standard” charge rate.

Things like the charge voltage, low-voltage cutoff setting, and the temperature of the cells during use, storage and charging can also have an effect on cell life and should be considered if cell life is a priority for you.


After using the foc wizard with sensors, are there any default sensor values that need to be tweaked? Iirc ackmaniac seems to require this but I’m not sure if it holds true for setup in the vesc tool too

Sensors don’t have to be tweaked. You set your motors up with the sensored steup and thats it.


You have to update the FW on your BMS for this to work. I would advise contacting LLT Power, the makers of this BMS, for instructions and FW files.

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