K thanks a lot will do so now
Also make sure to not overpay like the folks over in canada.
Is it worth getting the 9 piece set or the full set and how much is a normal price
i have the 9 piece kit but have had no use for the largest 3 yes (they are massive)
the other 6 had good use so far.
Pricing for the last year was 21-32€ so I’d say get it in that range (£ pricing may vary obviously). Amazon seems to be one of the more expensive options for them without being on sale.
Yeah £24 on amazon
Thanks again
Same here. Very happy with Wera Hex Plus and also very happy with being able to buy individual keys if desired, which I’ve done a couple times now. I broke a tiny one and replaced it, and the one I use the most, (purple 3mm) I bought an extra one.
biggest key compared to a 18650
lets see what brian has to say. Probably buy bondhurs or whatever they are called E: or not
Was looking and bondhurs are £9 for the same set so way cheaper
Might try those and if they are no good go for wera
Edit : £11
My Bondhus are great, but they get used less often than the Wera set because color coding is handy. That also means they stay in better condition, so it’s nice to have a reliable backup.
Could maybe nail polish a middle section of the Bondhus to color code them.
if they work sure, but then you also risk being part of the “buy cheap buy twice” cult cause it broke and you have to buy another set that’s more expensive. Potentially wasted money.
To clarify: i haven’t used bondhurs so I’m just going by the pricing.
Yeah fair enough but seen a lot of good bondhurs reviews
Will leave it to whether I can convince dad to pay for wera
Also just ordered a ts100 iron with bc2 tip for £45
What other bits are useful to get for it (spare tips? Stand?)
i have the b2 tip as standard and ordered the d24 or c4 tips as alternatives. So far the b2 tip has dealt with everything i threw at it. your bc2 might be even better with the larger surface area.
stand…depends, it comes with with one but it’s not really great. I just lay mine down on the table no problem. You should also invest in a soldering mat. Can be acquired for 4ish bucks on ali or typically double/triple that somewhere like ebay or amazon.
Good solder!!
Ah ok will get a set of tips
Got currently 60:40 seller solder which is ok but quite thick
Gonna get flux and more solder
Also helping hands? They seem to be rather useful
Also where do you recommend to get tips from as the ones on amazon seem to be stupid expensive
Rosin core should be plenty 99% of the times.
Helping hands…meh. I just use a pipe wrench with a rubber band around the handle to grip connector. I find the typical 7€ helping hands are so finicky and just have a small weighted base. Can’t give you advice on that, i don’t have one.
Tip i also got from ali, paid 9€ per tip
Yeah saw
Tips are soooo expensive
Gonna look into which ones I need
Considering the tech they have inside i think it’s a good price.
Not saying it’s a bad price just I am not gonna order like 5 tips at this point
What ones do you recommend?
as i said, your bc2 tip should be plenty for everything. Imo the c4 tip is overkill, its basically exactly the inner diameter of a xt90 prong where the cable gets soldered on.
Overall i’d say these 4 are the best ones for your average joe.
K thanks probably will go d24 and maybe c4 if I ever need huge wires done
For xt90 will bc2 be ok?