Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

It had a hole, it was in completely the wrong location to put a heatsink thru it… I blocked that hole off, and told myself I’ll get to fixerating and relocating a heat sink hole, 6 months ago…

maybe it was that one…

I can’t seem to find the dims but a 10s3p 30Q fits, with unity and a bigger that 2 X daly BMS

Ahh so it’s not a listed item then

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I was looking at this option or

@torqueboards Would you be able to verify how well a 12s2p P42A with an LTT BMS and a Unity fit in the 12s2p V1 enclosure? It looks like it would just barely fit

I’ve never used it, couldn’t say.

Buy two chargers. Its faster and is better than putting it into one charger that will overheat.

You don’t want that.

any reason why I shouldn’t use JB Weld rather than 5 min epoxy + cab-o-sil to battle harden motors?

JB weld has magnetic (steel) particles in it which is not ideal for use in motors.


duh. glad I asked :+1:

I tested this for science a while ago

turn down the sound… i was watching street outlaws at the time

:crazy_face: :rooster: :crazy_face:

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This is a good visual instructional video from our friend @Lee_Wright

thanks @Lee_Wright for the timestamp… love ya buddy…


as an aside, has anyone looked at an aged and used, preferably dented or abused motor battle-hardedened with milliput…

:point_up:t4: see n00b ?? content… :hamburger: :dash: :exploding_head:


that is way easier than the epoxy + cabosil method, just ordered some milliput. Thanks for that @Nacho!

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Ya I’m still noob too @computers but I like the fact that it is not as messy I’ll let @kook @b264 @MysticalDork be the judge on milliput


I don’t use milliput, I use liquid epoxy


Ya I just like the video Lee did it seems easier but I don’t know if it is the best advice to give to someone

I feel like liquid epoxy can get into the nooks and crannies better, but I don’t know as I’ve never used the epoxy putty


I wanna see how modeling putty ages inside a motor before I use it… unfortunately I don’t have a willing donor motor i’m willing to sacrifice for science…

I use a loctite high strength high temp wicking adhesive on all the magnet edges, then a high-temp slow cure epoxy with microballons…

yeah milliput is easy~peasy, and I hope it works… but…


Do you have links for these things?


I’m definitely interested to

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