Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Are you supposed to keep this top layer on the thermal pad that comes with the 3DS dual focbox heatsink plate or remove it?

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Been using the blue stuff in some screws. Just finished my first drive train and once I get the thumbs up from ppl here I guess I’ll locktight the stuff on the motors.

take the cover film OFF


or… if’n you’re a k00k like me… you’d leave the film on… roughly fit it up… and see if the thermal pad heat-sink interface allows compression of the thermal pad before I install it…

3ds is a trusted vendor so I’d guess they got this right, but until I looky and see myself… I DOn’t know…
but all is not lost… if you can’t feel… i know you can’t see, but feel a bit of compression in the pad… you’re good to go… but you honestly don’t know, till you know… just as I do not know…


I thought I knew the thing that i thought I knew but then she blew and I didn’t not know what I knew, but forgot that I didn’t not know, so now I dunno…ya know? bro?


believe me I know of what you speak

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Aren’t battery packs supposed to come with a female XT90/XT60/whatever to avoid accidental shorts ?

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Well, mine has a male XT90 soldered… :frowning:

Where did you get the pack?
You can swap it out if need be (make sure to not short it) or just leave like it is and do the other wires accordingly.

But common sense would be to have the female end on the pack since it’s live


let me guess, a random battery off a non-reputable builder?

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Well. It’s awkward. I would say one of the most reputable one, I will ask him directly first if there is a reason or how that can be solved.

He also included a XT90 female plug in the package, but not soldered :

I have no experience in soldering, so I’m not going to risk trying that on a live 700+$ battery.

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EVERY single battery that I have has a female plug like you show, and every single vesc I have has the male version… I’d speak with your battery builder if you feel uncomfortable soldering the appropriate XT connector on…


Yes, that’s my (limited) experience too. My Unity has a male one. On the product page for my battery I can see a female end:

I don’t know what happened but soldering another end on the battery is not something I am willing to do… I sent him a message.

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Make a short female-female extension i guess


Batteries won’t shock you if you’re trying to solder a XT connector since you have to have both positive and negative touch eachother to short and damage it. Best way to do it is to just cut one wire, and solder it, add heat shrink, then link the black.

But the simplest way is to just make your own adapter. I’ve done both.


Yo who nutted on those capacitors, those look nasty.


Can I use hot glue in the back of my switch or would that be stupid? I know I could use epoxy or silicone but considering the switch might be a major failure point, I’d like it to be easy to remove if needed.

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Supposed to remove it. I asked 3ds and got laughed at haha. Said I could keep it on for a “burnt plastic effect”


I would use silicone, hot glue isn’t very water proof because once it dries it becomes rigid and can warp to allow water.
I love sikaflex 291i :yum:
It’s polyurethane, not silicone, but is more durable. I use it for everything except potting

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