Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

So I bought some Bergs and completely forgot to buy pulleys and they’ve already shipped. Does anyone know who else sells pulleys for Bergs that would work with TB 218 trucks?

Anyone had tried spraying truck bed liner spray on their enclosure to make it more durable to scratches?

Or something like a LineX spray kinda thing?

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That is a great idea. I need to try that0__7Ow-xlTGoEx0d9a (1)

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perv some of @Linny’s builds

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Yes people have definitely done linex.

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Yea I’ve sprayed on all of my enclosures. Feel free to take a look at them from my profile. I wanna link em but I’m at work now :weary:


Gotcha, boo.

54967c291ad33c3dac392c095bf5d322d22d6dd7_2_690x388 90fafdd08dfbcd60b6bd6f65b3fe34cb65c90c6e_2_690x388


What’s the best d shaped rubber gasket size for an enclosure ?

Hello, what does a Potentiometer do?

Does this affect the amps or the end of charge voltage?
I was messing around with it, and somehow my 4A charger is outputting 5A now.

Be careful with that.

I thought they adjusted end voltage, but they could be set up to adjust anything else as well, such as current. That photo looks identical to a 42V 5A charger that I have, but I’ve never opened it up.

Measure, measure measure and don’t overcharge your battery.

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It seems to affect the end of charge voltage for me.
After touching that, it’s weird but my 4A charger is charging at 5A but I can’t find a way to reverse it.

So far i only had voltage potentiometers

Well, “Potentiometer, voltage trimming” implies that the potentiometer is for trimming the voltage. As in, you can tweak the output voltage. Other chargers sometimes have multiple pots, for adjusting current, voltage, and charge-end current.


Are those just truck bed iner spray or are those line x?

thanks @BillGordon for linking the pics!

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Are you 100% sure that’s a 4A charger? Because it appears identical to my 42V 5A charger.

Hi, I am just about to wire my dual 4.2 Flipsky VESC to my motors but I have no idea in which order the phase wires go. I do have sensors on my motor and have read they have to go in a certain order.

I do have ABC markings on my VESC and Red Yellow Blue on the motor phases. I would assume that following my electrical knowledge that Red - A Yellow - B Blue - C

Could anyone confirm this for me?

The phase wires go in any order. If the motor spins in the wrong direction, you can either reverse it in software OR swap any two phase wires.

I don’t recommend using sensors but if you do, the GND, +5V, TMP wires need to be correct but the H1, H2, H3 can be in any order.

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Ok perfect Thanks.

I have a 4A charger from yzpower that looks exactly like that one sans the battery sticker

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I think I found the issue, seems to be one motor. The bearings seem good, magnets look good and there isn’t play back and forth. Might be vibrations like @MysticalDork suggested or maybe a short