Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Potentially. I set it up via FOC wizard then changed it to bldc. I should set it up in FOC like this and change to BLDC again?

idk i don’t use bldc so i don’t even know how you change it from foc to bldc xd
but i had this happehn with foc once

Oh haha. It’s just confusing how it works in FOC fine and one works in BLDC sensored fine :expressionless:

No luck :frowning:

Is the Meepo v3 the best bang for your buck?


Just wanna add I had this too (with a mini remote)… Had the wires from the motor ABC and connected them
First of the motor to first of the VESC


This gave me backwards driving…
But in my case swapping to phase wires (A and C in this case) solved the issue!
Could have done it via software too.
I trust the software more than my building skills…

Good luck bro!

Thats the same for me. Swapping the phase wires obviously resulted in the motors spinning in the right direction BUT with the Remote input it still went backwards.

And thats a new one.


Maybe redo App Setup Wizard and then look if the issue is gone?

Dunno what else could help :frowning: that’s reeeally weird stuff…

Did that multiple times.

throttle is throttle
brake is brake

once completed, forward is backwards even if the motor detection was correct


Oof… Then im out :confused:

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A seized/crushed bearing would immediately start to generate lots of heat… right?

I did a 5 min test unloaded w/ full throttle and there was only a few degrees difference when I checked after :thinking:

Reverse your PPM values

But from what you heave read, you still have no idea what could’ve caused it?

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Yeah I’ve got no idea. Have you changed the motor direction AFTER the detection? You can go into the motor settings and change direction

i have, but like i mentioned i’m not a fan of the software base direction change. Worst case is that i use it, nothing against that if it works. Just a matter of trust.

Have you swapped the phase wires AFTER detection?

No. If i swap phase wires i shut the board down first, swap phase wires and do the detection again.

Swap them without redoing the detection. Of course turn the board off.


What about sensors? Don’t you think they will bitch about that?

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