Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

That’s what I was wondering, too. I was thinking of the wrong hubs, though, when I said behind the spokes I didn’t realize they were solid*

It just looks ugly in my opinion, it holds a lot of dirt and it doesn’t entirely balance too

If you’re balancing a circle, the closer to the edge the better it will work. But since it’s a tire, and it compresses, the side wall seems optimal for this particular use. Also, is it just me or is it kinda weird that the weights belong so close to even 120° spots?

I got the depth wrong so the stem is still heavy but it’s like 90% better, I’m calling that a success

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1 weight isn’t enough and 2 is too heavy if they are together, by spreading them evenly away from the far side of the stem it keeps the left right balance while fixing the up down balance

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They wont always be even


I see I see. I wonder if just doing a full ring of that weighted tape would work. I mean, the imbalances would still be there, but the even distribution of high density material might still balance out the actual rotation.

The more inertia the wheel has the worse it will wobble anyways, keeping the mass down is ideal

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Tire 2 came out much better, zero imbalance and no wobble when it spins :grin:

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Good good good! Is it for that motorized land paddle, or a board?

For the off road longboard, push stick is still in the planning phase

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I’m excited about that thing. I’m pretty sure it bypasses every single esk8 ban in the world.

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I think I’m gonna use a first gen MAD hub that Artem found, if it goes well I think I’ll make it better with a proper 8" pneumatic and a high ratio chain drive

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one side motor
one side propeller
attach trucks to kayak



Oh absolutely :grin:


Just use a onewheels hub xD

Oh god that would be so heavy

There’s shit motors and there’s decent motors you can afford.
There’s also good motors that will cost more than the rest of the entire board, but let’s not go there.
Generally, for 6354’s, there’s just not a lot of space in there for an adequate amount of windings, and most of what i tried seem to fall off the power curve at around 50A
6374’s get shot above 80A and 63100’s still push above 130A, just didn’t have a vesc big enough to try to push more.
Also freerchobby is shit. Although made in the same factory as flipshit, with parts off the same assembly lines, freerchobby is the equivalent of a space heater in 63100 form, overheating in 5° outside to over 80°, while the flipshit ones never went above 55° under even more aggressive riding. Too bad their quality control is shit, it’s in the name after all, flipshit.
Once again, there’s shit motors, and there’s decent motors you can afford. Rant over

is there no vesc tool for ios?

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That’s what you get for buying iphones.
( jk )

No there’s not, not yet