Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Are you able to use desktop VESC Tool and TCP forwarding?

If I recall, you indicated yes.

yes, that’s actually the only way I have been able to connect.

still can’t get a FW to stick

Changing to a BLE connection will not change that.


I didn’t change anything to a BLE connection

Just set the values until it sounds nice and loud on startup

I too have experienced this and hate that this is even possible

No idea what causes it either lol

On my makerx escs before sometimes I have to flash bootloader and do firmware on each side individually by moving the cable

literally magic to my eyes, how did you make it just connect like that? and so fast? with no errors?

I click scan, click on metr, click connect. Done.

Also works with the stock unity BLE module.

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Great, then you dont have connection problems and don’t need BLE.

Using BLE will not change this.

you must have a special version of the app or something, one with less lag and less random glitches

Upload the bootloader from the desktop VESC Tool via TCP.

I usually have to click 77 times on the bluetooth devices to actually get the right one selected

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Nope. Just your regular vesc tool Release. This isn’t the version that just got released but the previous one
3.00 i believe?

Lol he just told me that he meant not on the bench. Oh people…


I’m not, I’m switching between using VESCtool on desktop with my phone TCP to BT bridge and also using my pphone with the VESCtool app to BT directly to the metr.

Desktop > Phone > metr works but can’t get FW to stick

Phone VT app > metr refuses to connect

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I never was able to make it stay connected in 3.00, and still not in 3.01.

the phone app has always been so buggy for me.

I believe what brian is saying is that neither tcp nor ble will fix your firmware not sticking

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well I’ve tried the bootloader thing too and that didn’t work

Would you be shocked if I told you that you don’t need the BLE to work?

Either write a bootloader using the desktop VESC Tool, OR open it and use USB, OR open it and use an STLink to rewrite the firmware.

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