Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

thanks so much man please send that checklist
happy to buy used but my budget is max 250 at a stretch

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bit out of budget

will look into the x

Pounds? Or eur? I will send you a pm later today with everything you need to know.

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thanks so much man

also if you have any recommendations lmk
thanks again

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With that budget you should be able to get an iphone 11 If you look well enough, and have a little patience!

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wow awesome
im assuming that the 11 makes some big steps over the x/xr/xs

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Yes, it is the following model! iPhone SE has the same processor tho (2° generation)

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Doesn’t 2⁰=1?

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Perfect, sounds good!

Whose feeling good at geometry? What size DKP hanger would I need to put 165mm wheels on a Switchblade?

I can’t do math, but BN220 should be a good start :joy:

Looking for a DKP for this one, its gonna be a shits and giggle analog board

I can get 10" Sidewinders pretty easy, but if I need 12" or 14" that would require waiting a long time for aliexpress or paying big money for Evolve struts

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I think flipsky has a 14 inch wide dkp? Not exactly sure tho

You mean how much riser would you need? :crazy_face:

Just put griptape on the tires and remove the parts of the deck that are in the way.

Switchblade already has a sizable cutout, you never know it might work lol

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They have a 12" and 15" truck, but a whopping $65 a piece, I can’t afford $150 for a whim

I have some old Verreal DKPs that I could sell you, not sure what the wheelbase is though.

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its 60usd for a pair here from taobao :joy:

Would you be willing to take some pictures and measurements?

For sure, I’m at work ATM but when I get home I’ll send you some.

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