This is a big limitation. The good news is, it’s incentive to get the whole family skating as soon as possible/practical. I skate carrying my dog ALL THE TIME. Like, I did today already…
Have you seen my builds? If you make a huge mountainboard with a box on top, massive tires, and a ridiculous weight, yeah, this is probably going to be an issue. Because that doesn’t sound like it’s designed to solve those problems. But with these:
…not so much. They carry vertically with a handle on the nose. It’s not much of an issue to walk through a crowded mini mart carrying the board and your items you wish to purchase. It also fits very nicely on the bottom of a grocery cart.
I suppose I was dreaming the hundreds of times I’ve skated home with about 12 bags of groceries then, and skating to the hardware store all those times must have also been dreams… I should get myself checked out.
This is true, but it’s also related to the amount of effort put forth. Both in procuring or creating the best vehicle for the needs, and in how it’s used.