Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

I was running my 60A ones today at what I thought was pretty heavy throttle so I thought I’d be close to thermal issuee. Cool to the touch, you could barely tell they’d been on. Maybe I wasn’t actually riding that hard though and I have no logger on that board, but I did (shortish) hill tests at full throttle with me at 105kg

A metr log of your ride will reveal a lot. The ESC is more like a valve than a pump. It limits the maximum current the motor can take, and the motor will only take as much as it needs. Cruising at 20mph I’m only pulling 20A on a single motor so if you are running a dual drive, that’s only 10A to maintain speed.


I swear I knew this before but not so sure any more, when configuring a Unity on mainline firmware (5.2 in my case), you do treat the battery current the same as any other 2 CAN connected right? So if I want 40A battery draw in total, each emulated side gets 20?

As long as you use the regular vesc tool is the same as any other CAN setup


Why was this thread closed? - 3d Models Wiki for Electric Skateboards
Can we reopen?


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I assume because it was intended as a Wiki only, not a place to “discuss” or have conversations in.

Hence the:



That would be great, except the wiki isn’t editable (by me) and @wandagoner has been gone for a year and half

Can closed threads still be edited?

Doesn’t seem like it. I also didn’t see a button. Try again now.

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I see you opened it, but there’s no edit button per usual on wiki threads.
Maybe closing/opening resets wiki status? :man_shrugging:

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I think it’s an age thing since it was locked for so long.

Discourse still shows me that it is a wiki. I can revoke the wiki setting but I don’t think it’ll be editable again, even after granting it back.

Not sure if @longhairedboy has other options, otherwise give me until i wake up (2am here) and I’ll convert it to a new thread, reviving it again.


Not the end of the world if we have a start a new one. Don’t go out of your way to salvage it.
But really appreciate the effort :slight_smile:

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No problem. It should be a piece of cake but i want to do it properly on the pc, not the phone.

I’m going to bed now, damon might see it in the meantime and might have an idea until i wake up. Else I’m going to work on it.

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Noob question: did Brian’s profile picture always have that black circle on the right side of it?


no. Only since the latest update.

(which does look highly out of place in dark mode and regular chats @b264 )


I didn’t think so. What’s he hiding? :thinking:

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nothing. He is adapting. The latest update brought highlighting effects to chat bubbles but they were cut off by the profile pic, so brian added it in for it to look better.

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Keen eye, you’re in a very small handful of folks noticing this.

What purpose do you think it serves?


Oh, you kids and your newfangled technologies.

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I figured it was your shoulder, and I am not even kidding.