Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

I’m not sure the reasoning behind not using a battery pack. As long as the battery voltage is less than the max voltage the controller can handle, you should be fine.

For a basic setup:

  • Run the motor detection wizard
  • Setup battery series number, pole count, gear ratio and tire size.
  • Run the input wizard
  • Ensure the motor spins the correct direction with your controller. If not swap phase wires & run detection again
  • Adjust the motor current (you can start with mfg specs or leave the default from the detection)
  • Adjust the motor negative current to something like -50A. This number is more or less low speed braking. Fine tune as you ride.
  • Adjust the battery current (cell discharge rating x p group / number of motors. 12s3p P42A would be 3x30A = 90A / 2 motors = 45A)
  • Adjust the battery regen current (cell fast charge rating x p group / number of motors). You may need to increase this 1.5x if your braking at high speed is poor, but it may impact battery life.
  • Adjust the voltage cut-offs based on your battery

From there you can do more advanced fine tuning, but that should get you moving.