[NO LONGER ACTIVE] Firefly/feather remote batch | CNC-milled Bamboo | Double OLED | Complete builds and enclosures


Firefly+McNugget= Mcfly remote

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Woah, this new version looks really good!
Some questions, what’s the battery life on the remote?
Does it work with a unity?
And can i send you some of my exotic woods to cut a custom remote out of it if i order one? :heart_eyes:


This is the type of horn we are using. The horn is controlled through the TTL system that @Ace is a beta tester for. You can findout more about that project here. I will be needing more testers soon for the v4.1 HW if you are interested.

Yessss I’ve been waiting for the new batch! Sending you a message now

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I’ll be all over this by early next year. Need to get my first build in order before I start adding bells * ahem horns and whistles.

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Once again, fantastic work. It’s been great to watch these evolve, love the double screen design too.

Thank you :blush: I’m going to have to do some testing to see exactly what the battery life is with the new battery and screens. With the last version I regularly used it for several days before needing to charge, but I don’t know the exact run time.

The remote does work with unity but this can’t be easily changed in the settings. The remote needs to be reprogrammed. I’m happy to ship it out programmed for either VESC or Unity.

And yes, I’d be down to make it out of your wood. Any chance it’s 3/4" or greater?

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Are you using the library from RollingGecko/StefanMe to handle vesc/unity uart comms?

I’ve got a combined library in the works, if so, that would replace both and allow to to switch between Unity/VESC without firmware updates


Ooh can you send him some exotic wood for me too? Happy to compensate :call_me_hand:


I am using StefanMe’s libraries to handle the uart comms. A combined library would be very handy. Having users monkey around with reprogramming is a pain. Especially if they aren’t savvy with Arduino.

That OSRR remote would look dead sexy in a milled enclosure. When I stumbled across your thread last year it inspired me to take remote design a bit more seriously and the firefly/feather project was a great way to learn more about making my own. If you’d like a milled enclosure, I’m sure I could throw one together. I could even make it look like a dong :slightly_smiling_face:


You have no idea how insanely relatable this is to me. Hah!

I’m using the same library, same struggles during OSRR beta, only recently addressed with a WiFi config page, and still have to reflash to switch between VESC/unity.

I’m out of the country until next week, but I’ll drop you a line when I’ve got an updated library for you to test out.


Let me know what wood species/color type you have in mind and I’ll look at my collection.

@tomiboi I’ll drop you a PM when I’ve decided to go for it :wink:

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Something that’ll look nice with the neo deck bro, happy to leave the decision to you as to what would go best!

Omg. As if this remote wasn’t already exciting enough :rofl:

Edit: i may or may not end up with a bit of leopard print on the neo :flushed:


Leopard print… we are heading into Snakewood territory, and that shit is expensive. Let’s take this to PM!


@tomiboi I am looking into acquiring some wood for this, what would be the minimum size needed?

I don’t think there is. Got a few of those boards at home but not a proto board.

Edit: if you’re making a heltec version, shoot me a pm if you need help with the code. One thing though, the FireFly Nano is based on two inputs. It has a throttle wheel, but it also has a trigger. This trigger makes a cruise control mode, integrated menu and dead-mans switch possible.

Edit 2: Take a look at my repo instead of droidsectors one, I will continue development in about 3 weeks: https://github.com/Jamie4224/FireFly-Nano-Remote/tree/development?files=1


Can you make them from hemp. You fixed the 2 things i hate about my feather\nano remotes i hate. That sketchy 3d printed wheel and case


The Heltec is a LoRa board :wink:s

Sorry but what do you mean by protoboard? The heltec comes in a form factor similar to an arduino nano. To create a remote out of it, you should be able to solder directly to the board.

@Linny For one remote I need 8" x 8" x =>3/4". I can use thicker stock and plane it down with the CNC, or two pieces of half inch stock could be glued and stacked. I can then plane that down to 3/4". You can stack and glue however you want, just so long as the result is over 3/4" thick. I’m excited to see how this would turn out :slightly_smiling_face:


@Movation Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: If they make boards out of hemp, it can be done.