[NO LONGER ACTIVE] Firefly/feather remote batch | CNC-milled Bamboo | Double OLED | Complete builds and enclosures

Okay, i’ll take a look at what i have and when i’m ready i’ll PM ya.

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@annihil8ted Here is a link to the proto-board that Adafruit makes for the Feather M0 https://www.adafruit.com/product/2884

It has a strip of ground and power holes as well as room for resisters, caps and other componants for optimizing your sensors. It also plugs directly into the Feather and has the same footprint It’s super handy for prototyping and is a work around for PCBs.

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Imma check your project. Thanks for the link.

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ah gotcha! But I don’t believe so unfortunately :frowning: Still, it shouldn’t be too too hard with a pcb bread board right? Or are you doing this to test fitting/sizing?

You certainly can do this with perfboard. The protoboard from Adafruit is just super convenient. It cuts down on soldering and wires and while stacking perfectly with the Feather M0 boards, both the LoRa and the Packet radio. It’s extremely handy for making higher-end prototypes.

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Hey Tomiboi, how’s this going? Still making housings?

Sorry for the delay. A lot is going on with the remote project, but I might be able to throw together a housing. Are you planning to make a remote?

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No just curious to see if this is still moving forward at the moment

Will you be releasing an updated version at some point?

I’m moving away from the Feather electronics because there isn’t any further development going on with the code. I’m currently moving over to OSRR guts, and will hopefully have a remote design or two for it by mid-summer. My intention is to make a two-faced chicken-nugget like I did here, and a mini-remote with only one small screen.


Teensy has some small boards as well.

Missed this post before I started my weird build but would have loved to have known about the customizable configurations available for thumb throttles from Ruffy Controls.

There really is everything a person could imagine on the internet if you just know where to look.

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Ruffy is awesome. I love their thumb-stick. It costs a lot, but it is an excellent instrument. All of the remotes that you can find on the market today use thumb-wheels made for video games, not vehicles. It should be considered unethical. Once you go Ruffy, you’ll never go back.

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So you’re working on a firefly nano with the Lora now?
Is there a trigger style remote that would fit the Lora with 0.96 display?

I’m still working with standard 2.4 ghz. I’ll be switching to OSRR gut if all works out. The problem with making a trigger style remote is that I can’t find a good trigger. The thumbstick that I use is really high-end. If I could find a good trigger, I could make one.


Nice CNC job there! Do you have a source for that thumbwheel maybe?:slight_smile:

I didn’t see any pricing?

Just open your eyes…

I’m indeed blind

220 dollars for parts only is a lot my friend…
Maybe don’t use overpriced unnecessary stuff like feathers… These things are for people not knowing about heltec lora esp 32s. The wooden enclosure is personal taste, but I would save my self 60 dollars here and get a 3d printed one :sweat_smile:
80 dollars for assembly is also personal taste…

I thought about creating a new remote which I would prebuild guys for 50$ parts and 50$ assembly, but thought that would be too greedy^^

Are there any advantages over a 80$ firefly nano?

This is old. I’m not making these right now, but I regularly receive messages from people happy to give me $300. I don’t make them because I hate making them. It’s like making a jewelry box and all of the jewelry inside.

The military spec thumbwheel costs $65. It is far superior to the 3d printed remote. The bamboo has higher impact resistance than concrete, and is of higher quality than an ABS printed enclosure. Haltec has bad QC. I’ve never had a faulty feather board. Long range protocol isn’t necessary unless you’re trying to operate your board from over 500 ft away.

I won’t be returning to this, so if you respond it will be like talking to a wall.


You have a source for that thumbwheel, dont mid price?