Nkp 3-link Production.

@MoeStooge @RipTideSports
I’m lazy and unmotivated and distracted most of the time.

With that said, my brain was thinking of an interlocking bushing design that comes in two pieces that can be installed and removed on the 3-links without removing everything from the threaded axle.

you guys have probably already thought about it…and maybe tried it…I could see it just not working because it would squish apart while in operation.

I think its moldable using normal urethan pouring methods.

Back to work, blowing my horn at crossings.


@people who run 3links @fessyfoo . How tight do you run your bushings on our 3 links? Are you able to hit the end of the trucks steering travel while just standing on the stationary board without bindings?


I haven’t run them yet, but that is how I received them…

…so that’s what I’ll try first lol. Except mine hit the motor bracket since I have it facing inwards right now.

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Cool, lmk. What’s the build? Top speed?

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Work in progress race board The RedComet | RE Northcamp | 21s6p | D100 | ???

But I’ll throw them on my cruiser top 40mph(?) to try out and compare to the Jumas.


Tagging couple others to see how loose they run theirs @PedroMcJimenez @JeffyJ @Mbrady @Yeahthatperson @SmokeNEsk8 @ShutterShock @dskate @davidbonde


Uhmmmmm I don’t really know, they’re like just snug on the bushings. I’ve gotten up to 34 so far. I can create wheel bite at 0 mph


I’ll send you a video when I get home of the lean and steer i get.


Standard 1/2" hanger has a mechanical lockout. The HD 5/8 hanger does not.


What is a “mechanical lockout”?


What I’m talking about by “end of steering travel” is just the end of the range of motion of the central pivot rod end.

Mechanical lockout determines the rotation limit.

HD rotates to the bushing limit.


Just snug. Not loose, not tight


@zero_ads I dont have them loose. I have fund the bushing duro that give me the support I like. Then I use the rod angle and wheel base to give the amount of turning I like for the job.


what setup do you like? also how much do you weight ~?

do you run busings in front/rear that are more than 3a duro apart? e.g. 84a front, 90a back?

what kinds of speeds do you hit?

I have my 3-links on my dedicated short track board atm. Have the blue (83a) bushings front and yellow (88a) rear. Think they are the WFB formular.

I have the the rods on the axel road side on both trucks. Rods in front are in the most board side hole and the most road side in the rear.

I have fund the wheelbase (together with rod placement) to be the most important feature on this setup. Its 92 / 91 cm axel to axel.

I am doing good fitness wise at the moment and are on my ideal weight from when I was really active back in the days. 70 kg. :slight_smile:

This board is gear to 50 kmh.

Setup is different on my fast street cruiser.


They are APS 85a and 90a. We do not make these in WFB which has a lower tensile strength.


@MoeStooge Do you have a list of all the black oxide fasteners on the HD 3-links? I want to replace them with something a bit more corrosion-resistant since oxide fasteners tend to start rusting just sitting in my garage.

@zero_ads not sure if you’ll get much from this…


1/4"-28x7/8 alloy panhead x8
1/4"-28x3/8 alloy panhead x8
#10-32 x5/8 alloy socket screw x6