I love the lasered balsa wood. Do you think the spacers would have held up with PETG, ABS or Nylon? I think ABS has a heat deflection temp of close to 100ºC. PETG is around 80º if I recall right
Do you sell these spacers as well? How much would they be.
Yeah I thought about using petg. Glass transition is 85C. I don’t have an enclosure for my printer so I didn’t want to try abs. But then I saw my sheets of birch and decided to try it because it was faster and also doesn’t have a glass transition temp lol.
If you want some out of ABS let me know, I have a roll of bright yellow that would make them super discreet
I could make a bunch out of aluminum if you wanted something a bit nicer (and that will help conduct heat out of the motor lol)
That would be ideal. What would it cost to make a set?
Let me mock a few up and get back to you tonight, but if i can get enough interest (5 sets or more probably) then i would guess less than $20 shipped lol.
I was just looking at the D shaft on the Flipsky 7070s and wondering whether it would work with the Newbee D shaft gears but it looks like one would need a similar motor plate spacer as what @andoug created as there is a 10mm circular profile before the D shaft begins. Unless the D shape doesn’t run all the way through that gear but I assume it does.
One thing to keep in mind is different motors have a different 10mm length portion. Mine were small, but enough to be an issue. It looks like flipsky has a longer 10mm portion
I could just make them thinner and if you need more spacing, use multiple
I could get them done by carbon fiber. it should be less than $15 for a pair.
Just an update now, i can make the aluminum spacers 2mm thick, at a price of $5 per set, plus whatever a padded envelope to you costs lol. I’d recommend a bit of thermal paste if you really want to make sure the most heat possible is being wicked through, but even without it should be a nice benefit versus a wood spacer lol. If desired, i could also have them made in copper for better thermal conductivity (and maybe even expand it outwards to better function as a heatsink with some “fins” cut into the outer profile, but this would add cost)
I’m guessing these are cut from 2mm sheets? You happen to have 3mm?
I can do 3.2mm thickness (.125"), price would be $6 a set plus shipping. Feel free to shoot me a DM.
Is there a reason why no replacement parts for the 4gs/New 4gs are listed on the shop?
I think what is listed is for the 4th gen 4GS. I believe there’s a note at the bottom of the page to contact for 3rd gen parts.
I should add I recently contacted @Ean.esk8 to get some parts for the older drives. I do wonder whether for parts that will wear our whether those parts are different with the 4th Gen and may not be available in the future.
it’s completely missing any kind of Gears or bearings.
Currently the parts are listed as 4th gen only. Older stuff is via email.
Ye but i don’t see any actual replacement parts for the new 4gs. Like Gears, Bearings and whatnot
It’s Motor Pinions, clamps and the bushing thingies.
(Motor pinions use the wrong picture btw @Ean.esk8 )