Newbee 3links style truck

yea i was about to say the exact thing looks kinda unstable or very loose for sure id say!

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It might be a trick of the pictures, but it looks like you have steeper radius rod angles in the back than the front. You probably want the back flattened out a bit, and the front a bit steeper. Looking like a super fun build. Can’t wait to hear how it rides!


That’ll turn like a pallet jack


Got to get my board out today for the first time and I am really liking these so far. Not many miles on them yet, but first impressions are very easy to ride, turn, and stable. I have my front set at 30°, rear (reverse mounted) at 24°. 90A and 87A fat cones. Can u-turn in the street. Great first impressions @Ean.esk8


This can’t be right. The back looks steeper than the front for sure. The front looks like it can’t be much more than 10°.

Am I misunderstanding what’s going?


I think it’s the angle the photos were taken at. Based on Ethan’s diagram it does look like 30/24.


Yes like he said, it’s the angle of the pics. The front definitely has a bit more of an angle in person, and the rear is probably more pronounced because of the reverse angle.

This is the rear at 24°

Front at 30°

(Videos while build was in progress)


mannnn you guys are making me wanna get 3 links even more, that turning radius looks amazing.


Shitty video and I probably almost fell over like 8 times but I figured I’d film some circles


Video not showing up for me.

Not sure why? :man_shrugging:t2:

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Video works for me

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Must be an issue with Firefox on my Win 10 PC, it shows up in Chrome.

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Ean uses an MTB setup on his 3-link videos.

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I think your angle didn’t set up correctly, for zero degrees, make sure these two holes are match, also some click noise from you video, try to re-adjust the length of rods, one side of the rod must over tighten, if have the rods in appropriate length, the clicking noise will disappear.


Yeah, that’s where I have them set up currently. I had front at -10°on video. I was able to remove the clicking noise yesterday by adjusting the rods to size like you mentioned.
Honestly, I have no clue how these babies work as I have not studied Moe’s stuff and am a noob when it comes to angle nose calculations. Learning as I go.
Great work tho, feels amazing to ride them so far.


I have my front set to 30* and I am on a flat non-angled deck. This is how that looks

On the 35* angled Kaly deck, having it set the exact same way as above on the 30* hole bumps it up to 65* (baseplate is at 35* to mimic Kaly deck, end of the board would be pointing to the right side)

If you rotate it 3 more holes it would put it at 35*, which is a more normal/typical angle for that kind of deck. You can obviously have it set however you like for your riding style (I know you like carvy). You could move it 2 holes instead for 45* as well


… where did you get these CAD models




Work in progress. :rofl:

Super smooth now, but not sure where I ended up in rear in terms of nose angle. :joy:

Raining cats and dogs so no test riding today.

I’ll have to wait for @AlexB to let me know through his cad work later when he gets home. :pray:t2: