NESE, the no solder 18650 battery system

I’m ordering a battery but I want to build a NESE for my other board. I’m torn between 12s4p and 12s6p P42A cells. please help…

Will that be a stacked configuration?

My new NESE mounting solution. I didn’t like any of the things I have done before, but hopefully this will fare better.

  • These are meant to be screwed into the board.
  • Individual packs are easy to remove.
  • Works for both 21700 and 18650 modules.
  • Can flex unlike busbar.
  • Can route balance wires underneath.
  • Holes for tapping and attaching balance connector with a m3 screw. This enables the modules to be completely independent. Otherwise you have to remove balance connectors from the main screw as well.

Got a couple of extra sets made to be economical, let me know if you are interested in trying with these.



The stacked NESE don’t look bad at all. I plan to do a 12s6p 21700 stacked but was concerned about the ground to enclosure clearance.

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Love it. Very nice solution. Addresses a lot of gray area.


Tabs and bus bars are here. Pushed for better quality and now they are lovely :heart:


Stacked 21700 will be pretty thick but you should be able to make it work with a DS enclosure and some gasket padding. With 18650, I didn’t need any gasket padding at all. That’s with an eBoosted DS EVO enclosure.

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You asked me to remind you when i will have 26650. Soooo, i have them. Not in a shop yet but soon. Check the photo above.

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My order is in. Can’t wait to build my first battery. :call_me_hand:t6:

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Does anyone know if you need the isolating rings with the NESE modules; also a link to a good smart BMS?

You don’t need isolating rings.

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Why not? If the NESE case breaks and the cell pops on the positive site while also damaging insulation it could get easily shorted I think.

It doesn’t short even if you put it with bare cells. Give it a try at low charge levels…

Also hasn’t happened to anyone using these modules.

If there is an accident, it’s a different issue altogether. A regular pack would also catch fire and even does a tesla.

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So the positive and negative on the positive side of the cell is further than I thought. I will sleep better at night now. :slight_smile:

You can check DieBieMS, there is a NESE case for it on thingiverse DieBieMS case

If you need a smaller BMS you can check FlexiBMS (almost ready for sale)

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The whole cell can is negative, only the top internal portion is positive. It is separated by probably .5mm insulator gap.

You can always have secondary layer of insulator on the positive side and many people choose to use those discs.


Search for xiaoxiang or jbd bms. I use them with my robots. The vesc monitoring systems also support it I think.

DieBieMS is good if you can get your hands on it.

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Very hard to find a DieBieMS. I like the fact that you can use bolt connections. I’ll check out the Xiaoxiang BMS…thx.

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I really like the solution! Good job! :clap:t2: :+1:t2:

Sorry if you already answered this:
have you done extensive vibration tests under load and how have you done this?